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My hand chokes the neck of the wine bottle as Leo laughs. “Nova, picky? Imagine that.”

“Yes, the little rich girl is so pretentious.” I sweep my wine glass off the kitchen table and settle into the lone empty chair in the room. “Honestly, I think you should make an appointment to see those waterfront properties you were telling me about. The biggest and most expensive waste of money, the better.”

“I’ll call her in the morning,” he says smoothly, his gaze dropping to my calves when I cross my legs.

My mouth parts, an argument on my lips, but Devin quirks a brow. “Whatever my little rich girl wants, she gets.”

Is it hot in here?I have to mentally command my hand not to grasp my shirt for air.

“And on that note, I’m gonna head out.” Leo pops to his feet, a crooked smile on his face. He probably thinks we’ll be ripping each other’s clothes off when he’s gone. I wish he were right.

After a goodbye to Leo and closing of the front door, Devin doesn’t miss a beat. “So, you’re not sure about being an athlete’s wife?”

fifty | nova

My heart sputtersas I spin toward Devin sitting on the couch. Yeah, I definitely would have preferred clothes ripping. “You weren’t supposed to hear that conversation.”

“I’m glad I did, considering it’s the first I’ve heard of the topic. Why have you kept this from me?”

On an exhale, I run my finger through my hair. “Because it’s not something you could help me with, and I didn’t want to worry you with my insecurities.”

“But Leo could help you.”

“He’s family, my sounding board.” I stand straighter. “I’m not going to apologize for that. And while we’re at it, what was with that little rich girl comment about me being excessively picky?”

While his mouth twitches, his head drops in penance. “That was me being out of line. I’m sorry. But I can’t pretend your attitude toward us living together or my finding a bigger place doesn’t bother me. My ego is bruised, Dimples.”

His charming tone and brown eyes aren’t going to pull a smile from me. “I think your ego will survive my having concerns.”

“Concerns I can handle. You’re running to your cousins or Dad or calling my mom.” His mouth snaps shut, his nostrils flaring as he shakes his head. “Nova, this is only going to work if we communicate. I might not have all the answers, but I’d like to know where your head is. We spent too many years not opening up. If I’m not what you want any more, I need to know.”

“I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth.” I march toward the couch. “I’m not your dad, Devin. I’m not walking away when the going gets tough.”

“You didn’t have to bring him into this.”

“Why not? It’s not like you ever talk about him, but that’s why you’re questioning me.”

“No, I’m questioning you because even though you were well aware of my career before you decided to hop on a plane to Alaska, you’re running off to your cousin with your doubts instead of coming to me.”

“Fine. I’m worried. Is that what you want to hear?” I toss my hands in the air. “And it’s not just your schedule or the complication of long distance. I’m worried about everything.”

“How am I supposed to fixeverything?”

“You’re not, but let’s start with how I’m worried about you.” Creases line his forehead. “You won’t discuss your dad, and you haven’t wanted to talk about Tara since—”

Devin swats my words away. “There’s nothing to discuss. Mydadcalled when I was drafted. He doesn’t get to do that, and I made sure he knew never to try again. As for Tara, she’s going back to the facility.”

Hurt simmers in my gut as I drop back a step. “She is? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I just did. Mom called me on my way home. With Leo here…”

“So, she’s back in? Or…”

“At this minute? I don’t think so, but the facility has been cleared for patients to return.”

“That’s good. Did your mom say anything else? Any news of Tara’s hearing being scheduled?”

“I didn’t ask.”
