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“Did you say Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York because those are on the way to Vermont from Michigan, or have you actually visited those places?”

“I might not be as lucky as you, Miss I-drive-an-Audi-and-have-access-to-Daddy’s-black-card, but we can afford a few trips here and there.”

Rolling my eyes, I can’t even put up a fight because he’s not totally wrong. “Just to clarify, it’s not a black card. It’s platinum.” I pull a teasing pout, and he laughs.

“Well, since we’re being honest. The only reason I visited most of those places was because of sports camps and events or Willa’s dance competitions.” Devin’s hand rests on the gear shift, eyes on the moonlit highway, comfortable in my car. “But we did visit Chicago for a White Sox game and vacation one year, and Ohio, my mom took us to Cedar Point a few times.”

“I’ve never been to Ohio. Well, other than driving through to get to you, so you’ve got a point on me.”

“So, twenty-one minus six equals fifteen states ahead of me.”

“You can catch up.” My eyelids flutter closed, the hum of the engine lulling me. “Hey, Devin. I’m glad we’re adding these new states together.”

“Me, too, Dimples.”

seven | nova

We sleep like the dead,our day of fun and roller coasters catching up with us until we’re dragging ourselves into my car for the nearly seven-hour drive to Alliance, North Dakota.

Day four into this trip, and the ice has broken. We’ve learned each other’s road trip habits, as well as a few bathroom habits I’m sure we’d rather not have the other pick up on. I’ve discovered Devin prefers sleeping in boxers but wears exercise shorts for my benefit. And, though I saw him shirtless when he returned from the gym our first night together, he never walks around the hotel room without a tee on. Also, for my benefit, I assume. He knows I won’t lay my head on the pillow until I’ve done a complete skincare routine. And we both require a white noise app while sleeping, so we listen to raindrops every night. And he always faces me while sleeping. I end up rolling to my other side half the time because the thought of him staring at my face while I sleep makes me hotter than it should.

I’ve also discovered he carries a box of condoms in his toiletry bag. Something he walked in and found me staring at. He said they were a going away to college gift from Willa since she’s more than aware of the outcome of unprotected sex. I made sure he knew he wouldn’t need them during our trip. He laughed and said never say never. I punched him.

We’re no longer strangers at this odd stage of our trip. Our prolonged time together is more intimate than a simple friendship, but our lack of physical affection and knowledge about one another makes us less than a couple. And the mutual attraction lingering turns our annoying sibling-like teasing into flirting. But somehow, I find I’m grateful Julia isn’t here. As awkward as our trip started out, Devin has helped turn this into an unforgettable memory.

Willa: How is everything going? Are you having fun? Is my brother treating you okay?

Nova: Your brother has proven himself a worthy travel buddy. He convinced me to forgo my “boring as hell” plan and be spontaneous, so here we are in front of the strangest thing I think I’ve ever seen–Carhenge. Yes, it’s Stonehenge made of silver-painted cars. So weird. Give Clem hugs and kisses from us both, and say hi to Archer and the boys too. I miss you guys already!

*Attaches picture*

“You ready to see some Presidents?”

I tuck my phone away and smile. “You better believe it.”

Devin tosses me the car keys. We’ve gotten into this rhythm of taking turns, and I’m surprised by how confident I am with him behind the wheel. For only knowing the guy for a few days, he makes me feel safe, but I suppose I should, considering we share a hotel room at the end of every day.

Taking note of the cloud cover hiding the warm summer sun, I lower the top, raise the volume on the music, and we make the two-and-a-half hour drive to Mount Rushmore.

“So, what’d you think?” Devin scoots into the driver’s seat.

“It was definitely a bunch of big heads carved into the side of a mountain. Although, I thought it’d be bigger.” I toe my Adidas off. “I don’t know why. I guess because it’s always close up in pictures.”

“Yeah, and in National Treasure, it seems huge next to Nicolas Cage.”

I laugh. “Right?”

“But I guess if you’re standing right next to it, that’d be a different story.” Devin taps his thumb on the steering wheel. “I don’t know about you, but I’m beat. To be safe, we should stop for the night and get an early start to North Dakota tomorrow.”

“Yeah, good idea. My parents would rather us take extra nights than fall asleep at the wheel.” I pull my phone from my bag. “Speaking of, I’ve got a missed call. I’ll search for a hotel close by, then I should give my dad a call back.”

Nothing like a hot shower after traveling and sightseeing all day. I wipe a hand towel across the foggy mirror and run a brush through my hair before tousling the strands to help them air dry. Turning, I go to grab my pajamas, but they aren’t by my toiletry bag where I normally set them. Did I drop them? I spin, looking at the floor and the towel rack. They’re nowhere in the bathroom, leaving me with one option. Maybe two, but I don’t want Devin rifling around in my suitcase for a pair of panties and my sports bra.

I wrap the towel tight around myself and open the door. This is no different than being at the beach. I’m more covered than if I wore a bikini. No big deal.

Devin took the bed closest to the bathroom—something we flip for at every hotel—so he’s leaning against the headboard, scrolling through television channels. His head whips to me when I walk out. He’s already in the athletic shorts and faded ‘Property of Grand Rapids Football’ shirt he wears every night, having showered first. With one sweep of his eyes over my body, his mouth falls open a fraction and my stomach backflips.

“I left my pajamas out here,” I mumble. And as I walk to my suitcase perched on the desk on my side of the room, his stare heats my damp skin. We’ve avoided catching each other in undress so far, careful to keep that boundary intact, and I’m pretty sure I accidentally shattered it.
