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“TSG. That’s how I got your hotel information. I didn’t even know they represented you until after I was hired, and Leo saw your name on their client list.” I cringe at how much I sound like a stalker. “That was meant to seem a lot less creepy. I just wanted to surprise you because thisiscrazy. Us being in the same city so randomly. But seriously,” I take a step back and then another, “I’m going to let you two enjoy the rest of your night.”

“Well… Yeah, all right.”

“See ya. Bye, Palmer. It was good seeing you again.” I wave as I back down the hallway, and Devin peeks his head out the door with the most lost expression on his face. Join the club. Spinning on my heel, I speed walk toward the elevator. I can’t get to my car fast enough.

Getting behind the wheel of my trusty Audi, I scream into my hands. That couldn’t have gone any worse. I’ve never been more mortified in my life.Why didn’t I just call him?

Why did she have to be there?

Pulling out my phone, I tap on the name of the only person who knew what I was doing tonight. Mari picks up after one ring. “How did it go? Did you see him?”

“Palmer answered the door. You know, the ex-girlfriend I told you about, or apparently his current girlfriend. Who is drop-dead-gorgeous, if I didn’t mention that before. Mari,” I whine, dragging my fingers through my roots. “I’m so embarrassed.” And gutted.

He moved on.

Just as I told him to.

Then why does it hurt so bad?

There’s a quiet, sharp intake of breath. “What did he say?”

“Hardly anything because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. He was stunned into silence. Why wouldn’t he be? I got his address through hisagency, probably illegally, mind you—I’mnot his agent. What was I thinking? It’s almost been a year. Of course, he’s moved on. I made such a fool of myself.”

“Nova, stop it. No, you didn’t. You couldn’t have known.”

I take a deep breath. “No, but I could’ve done the normal human thing and sent a simple text.”

And saved myself the front row seat to Devin’s life, chapter 2.0.

“You can blame me. I gave you the idea.”

I shake my head, though she can’t see me. “I’d probably have shown up at his hotel anyway. A text after all this time would’ve been weird, and I wanted to tell him face-to-face.”

“Then no regrets. He knows you’re there, and he can do what he wants with that information.”

I snort. “Yeah, and in the meantime, I’m going to go home, get some sleep, and hopefully never wake up.”

“Oh, shut up. You’re going to go to bed, get up, and march into work tomorrow like the assertive, tenacious, sexy-fine woman you are. Keep your chin up because you’ve done nothing wrong.”

After hanging up with Mari and driving home, I kick off my heels and fall back onto my bed. I need to wash my face and brush my teeth, but my autopilot is set on curling into a ball and crying into my pillow.

Buzzing, the screen of my phone lights up with a text notification. As I roll over, my stomach drops when I see his name.

Hotshot: You took off too soon.

Spitfire: I’m really sorry I just showed up. I’m sure Palmer didn’t appreciate that. It was thoughtless of me.

Hotshot: She’s alright. It was good to see you even if I didn’t seem like it. I was caught off guard.

Spitfire: I wanted to tell you in person about moving to Miami once I saw you were here too. But there were other ways I could’ve told you.

Hotshot: No it’s okay. I’m glad you came. I only wish we could’ve talked a little more.

Spitfire: I’ve got an early morning so I couldn’t have stayed much later anyway. I really am proud of you Dev. You’ve been on fire in every game.

Okay, except for the one, but I’m not going to rub last Saturday’s game in his face.

Hotshot: You’ve been watching?
