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Willa’s silent, so I prod. “Will?”

“Yeah, sorry. Um, I knew she moved or was moving. The girls and I had lunch with her and Ruby two weeks ago, but I didn’t know what day she was pulling out.”

“Hold up. You knew she was moving, and you didn’t tell me?” Swinging my head toward the cracked bedroom door, I lower my voice. “What the hell, Will?”

“We’ve been through this. I’m not the go-between for you two. If you want to know what’s happening in each other’s lives, you should pick up the phone and ask. This wedge is stupid. I know you still care about her.”

“I’m with Palmer. You know that.”

“Oh, please. You know I like Palmer, but it’s not like you two are—”

“Palmer’s living with me, Willa. She’s here in Miami.”

“She’s living with you?” Her screech sets off a series of comments in the background—the girls’ laughter, Archer’s deep tone questioning, Mom’s using my full name.

“Geez, you couldn’t have kept that to yourself for now?”

“Oh-ho-no.” Willa chides with laughter. “This is your mess, bud. Don’t blame me. You want to talk to Mom now?”

“Yes, give me that phone,” Mom orders in the background.

Clem’s giggles amplify.I’d gladly chat with her over the others.I shove my fingers through my hair.

“Nova showed up at my hotel room last night. Palmer answered the door.”

“Let me guess. She didn’t know you two were living together either.”

A vice cinches my chest, and I grind my teeth. “Don’t make me hang up, Will.”

Willa loosens a sigh. “I’m sorry, but for real, she didn’t know about Palmer and you?”

“It’s not like we’ve been in touch to chat about it, no. I assume you didn’t say anything before she moved?”

“I didn’t feel like it was my place to tell her, and I didn’t really think you two were…” She trails off, and I know without my sister saying the words that she never wanted Palmer and me to work. “Nova avoided asking about you most of the time. I’m sure it was too hard hearing about your life without being a part of it. You’ve been the same way.”

Yeah, I have. The one time Nova’s name came up, I cut off the discussion. Turns out Willa just wanted to tell me about Nova taking Clem to a production of Swan Lake at the community theater, but even that, I couldn’t stand knowing. I was jealous I wasn’t there to hold their hands and yawn my way through another musical with her at my side.

“Why is this happening? Why now?”

“I dunno, Dev. Life’s a mess sometimes. But everything happens for a reason. You’ll figure it out.”

“Did I mention she moved here the day I had my first game with the Sharks?”

Life is more than a mess. It’s a straight kick to the nuts.

Willa is silent again, and I want to reach through the phone and shake her for better advice. “Look, we just pulled up to the airport. We’ll be landing in Miami around six. We’ll talk more after your game, okay?”

I sigh. “Yeah, okay. Obviously, I’ll be in pre-game and won’t have access to my phone. Palmer offered to pick you up, but I told her you two could get a rideshare. Is that cool? It’s only minutes from the stadium.”

“It’s fine. We can’t wait to see you, little brother.”

“You, too.”

“Hey, Dev?” Willa catches me before I end the call. “I like Palmer, I really do. She’s great.”

She’s just not Nova.

At this point, I’m not sure if that’s Willa’s internal thoughts or mine.
