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Devin whistles. “The Pratts travel in style.”

“Don’t get your hopes up, Hotshot. My parents might have splurged a little for tonight, but only because it’s less than a five-minute walk, and they didn’t want us roaming too far from the theater while in the city. Don’t expect five-star treatment from here on out.” I wink as the valet opens my door.

Once checked in, Devin and I step into the elevator.

“One room?” His eyebrow arches.

Adjusting my toiletry bag on my shoulder, I press the button for our floor. “When my parents booked the room, it was supposed to be Julia and me. But rest assured, there are two beds, so don’t get any ideas.”

“Sounds like you’re the one with the ideas. I just asked if we were sharing a room.”

“You know, I went over all this with you on the phone weeks ago.” Sharing a hotel with a guy I’ve never met felt off at first, but I couldn’t ask Dad to foot the bill for an extra ten or more nights by booking Devin his own rooms on this trip, and it didn’t feel right to put the cost on Sharon when his riding with me is more of a favor to us. It will be fine. I packed sports bras, leggings, and tees to sleep in. We can respect each other’s privacy. “You do remember that discussion, don’t you?”

“Yeah, sure.”

Oh, he so does not.

“I don’t have a problem sharing with you, Nova. I’m just surprised your parents agreed. Archer told me how your dad played the overprotective father when they first met; that was over my sister, not his daughter. I didn’t expect him to be cool with this.”

That makes two of us.“My family’s been through a lot over the years. My dad, aunt, and uncle abide by this carefree live and love life motto. I don’t know. He trusts me, and he trusts Willa.” The doors slide open when we reach our floor. “Plus, I say the word, and he’ll round up my uncles to hunt you down. No questions asked.”

Devin’s steps lag, and I curb my smile as I open our door and wait. When he reaches our room, his palm slaps the door and pushes it wide for me to enter first. “You’re a Daddy’s girl, aren’t you?”

“My daddy raised me to be my own girl.” I dip under his arm. “But he’ll always have my back.”

three | devin

“I’ve beenin the car all day, so I want to freshen up before we grab a bite and go to the show.” Nova digs through her suitcase, pulling out fancy clothes.

“All right. I’ll let you do that and head to the fitness center for a run.”

“Hotel gym, huh? That’s dedication.”

Sure,that’swhy I’m running. “I didn’t get a baseball scholarship for nothing.”

She tucks a couple items between her clothes, thinking she’s sneaky, but I catch sight of the pink lace. When my gaze meets hers, her lips are pursed, eyebrow cocked. I don’t bother pretending I wasn’t looking and shrug as I pull out a T-shirt and workout shorts.

“I’ll be locking the bathroom door.”

“Good idea. I’m going to get undressed out here. It’ll keep you from sneaking a peek.”

Nova rolls her eyes and slams the bathroom door. I chuckle as I change.

When Willa said Nova’s parents would be footing the bill for this cross-country trip, I figured they had money, but I didn’t expect buy-their-daughter-an-Audi-and-five-hundred-a-night-hotel kind of money. I should’ve assumed when Nova mentioned all the stops she wanted to take along the way. This isn’t a straight-shot type of road trip. A drive that normally takes four days will take two weeks, if not longer. Depending on herlist.Not that I’m complaining. I need this break to reset my brain after the last month.

Releasing a deep exhale, I switch my clothes and pop a fresh piece of gum in my mouth. This road trip will be a good thing. Rocky start and all, Nova isn’t bad company, and she’s not hard to look at. The gorgeous view will be inside the vehicle more than outside, but I need to keep my blinders on. It’ll be a struggle, but the only way I could mess around with Nova Pratt is if I plan on it meaning something. Willa would murder me otherwise, but I don’t do feelings. No exceptions. While I appreciate the female form, the only women I have room in my heart for are Mom, Willa, and Clementine.

Returning to the room after running off my restless, stuck-in-the-car energy, I press my keycard against the lock, waiting for the light to turn green before I open the door. I’m hit with a new scent, a wave of candied fruit, as I find Nova sitting at the foot of her bed, towel-drying her hair in front of the wall mirror. When our gazes meet, hers holds until it slides down my naked torso. Having worked up a sweat, I took my shirt off, and Nova must think that was the right move because her focus doesn’t divert from my torso.

Damp shirt to my face, I wipe away the moisture dripping down my temples and neck. I consider calling Nova out, but I’d hate for her to think I don’t like her looking. As long as you don’t touch, Blondie, because then all bets are off. A guy only has so much self-control.

She snaps out of her trance with a scowl, like she’s berating herself for checking me out, and I can’t help myself. I open my arms wide. “Don’t beat yourself up, Spitfire. Lots of ladies like to get their fill. No harm in that.”

Her already flushed cheeks deepen a shade of red. “I can only imagine the number of notches on your bedpost. I’ll pass.”

Smirking, I slip behind the bathroom door with a change of clothes, hoping the steam will loosen the wrinkles. Before I shut the door, I holler through the crack, “There’s always room for one more.”

A thunk rattles the door, and I peek out to find her damp towel in a ball on the floor. “Nice aim.” I laugh.
