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“Oh, what about fast food? I know how fond he is of that.” Nova lifts her brows like a challenge.I hate fast food, and she knows that from our time spent in her Audi.“Or better yet, ginger soda. That one has meaning for you guys, doesn’t it?”

Everything pauses as Palmer’s hand slips from mine, and Willa gushes at the thought. “Ginger soda, yes! That’s the first conversation he had with Archer. Awww, that would be sweet.” Nova’s smile wilts the more my sister goes on. “Seeing your face on ads, tossing some kid a bottle of soda when he asks for your autograph. Done. You have to do that, Nova.”

Oblivious to Palmer or my discomfort, Mom chimes in, “As long as he’s not walking around half-naked. It was bad enough listening to the things those teenagers were saying about him at the park today. You start giving him underwear commercials, Nova, and I will have to go into hiding.”

Curbing a smile, Nova nods. “No tighty whities. I’ll put that note in his file.”

I’m seething. “Can you three stop?”

“What? You want tighty whities?” Nova flutters her lashes. “Don’t worry. I most likely won’t be the one getting you endorsements. I have co-workers. They can negotiate underwear for you.”

“Not you? What’s the matter? Don’t think you can land me the big deals?” I curse my temper as the words come out.

Nova jerks her chin. “Oh, I know I can land the big deals, Hotshot. What I don’t know is if you can handle them.”

My body is so primed to jump, the chair legs scrape the wooden floors as I inch back from the table. “Excuse me?”

“We should probably order.” Mom glances around, searching out our server.

Ignoring her, I keep my focus on Nova’s rapidly burning face. “Why would I not be able to handle a partnership with Under Armor or Nike?”

“Wow, top-tier companies. You think highly of yourself, don’t you?”

“I think very highly of my talent. I’ve worked my ass off for this opportunity, Nova. I’m not screwing it up.”

Leveling her effective stare on me, she picks up her glass, swirling the white rum and ice. “I have no doubt of that, Devin. I truly believe you will land whatever deals you want.”

Downing the last of her drink, Nova reaches for her handbag, then stands and murmurs to Willa, “I need to go make a call.”

Palmer addresses Willa as my gaze follows Nova’s retreat. “What’s with ginger soda? I never heard that story.”

I look at my sister, who has the grace to avert her eyes as she replies, “I don’t think my mom has either, have you?”

Mom’s head shakes, and as Willa describes my first meeting with Archer, I take that moment to pat Palmer’s knee and lean into her ear. “I need to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

Before reaching the men’s room, I spot a retreating figure in tight, white shorts. Nova glances over her shoulder as she heads toward a hallway and the back exit.Nuh-uh.She’s not getting away that easy. I charge, gripping her wrist and pushing her back against the wall.

“What the hell are you doing here? Why did you come?”

She swallows, blue doe-eyes lifting. “Willa invited me.”

“Yeah, so you said, but that still doesn’t explain why. And what are you doing wearing this?” I snatch the glass pendant around her neck.

A sharp inhale pulls through her nose, her jaw locking. “You can have a tattoo, but I can’t have a necklace?”

The back of my hand brushes her skin, and I tense before dropping the gold-rimmed hexagon. “I’m with Palmer, Nova. She lives with me.”

Her chin tips in defiance, her voice lowered. “Yeah, I figured that one out all on my own, Hotshot.”

“You can’t just show up and expect me to jump.”

“Why not? I jumped for you.” I rear back as she cocks a brow. “On my wedding day. Or did you forget?”

Grabbing her other wrist, I anchor her arms to the wall of the secluded hallway and lean in, pressing against her. “I can’t do this to Palmer. Not after everything.” Chest heaving, my jaw tightens. “There are things…the things she’s endured. I can’t hurt her again.”

My eyes burn, and like she knows how painful this is, she shrinks back, softening. “I know. Dev, I’m not asking for anything. I’m not here to stir up trouble. I’m sorry I showed up without telling you I was coming. I just…”

I drop my hands from her wrists, giving us space, as she traps her bottom lip between her teeth, gnawing.
