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I brace myself when he grimaces. “Six-thirty? I told Willa they could sleep in.”

“Wow, you really do deserve a podium.”

“I know you’re supposed to be on vacation. You could come later if you prefer.”

“And miss you entertaining your nieces? Not a chance. I’ll meet you there at six-thirty.”

Devin grabs his giant duffle from the trunk, and I lower the passenger side window as he comes back around. Patting the door frame, he offers a crooked smirk. “Thanks for the ride, Spitfire.”

I should tell him to quit calling me that, but outside of Miami, I can almost pretend we don’t belong to different people.

* * *

Still a bit bleary-eyed after staying up and chatting with Cora and Mom, I pull up to the Thomas house five minutes early to find Dev sitting on their front steps, an extra large coffee cup in his hands. He rises as I shift intoPark, and my heart skips a beat. I love the weather and fashion in Miami, but there is something about a man wearing faded jeans, hiking boots, and a hoodie that makes my mouth water. Or maybe it’s just Devin.

The sky’s seeing the first light of day as I walk up the driveway. “Good morning,” I say in a loud whisper.

“Morning. I brought a gift.” I eye the coffee cup he extends. “Caramel nonfat latte. Hope that’s still your order.”

“It is. Where’s yours?” I take the cup, grateful for something to do with my hands when what I want is to hug him.

“Chugged it on my way over. I’ll make more inside. You ready?”

Nothing in the world could have prepared my heart for the version of Devin Hawthorne I’m introduced to this morning as he pushes the front door to Willa and Archer’s home open and waves me inside. A child’s excitement on Christmas morning shines in his golden brown eyes. I expect him to lead me into the kitchen, but he’s not waiting for the girls to wake up, instead choosing to kick off his boots and tiptoe downstairs. When he hits the landing, he looks at me waiting by the door and shoots me a look that says, “You coming or what?”With a smile, I follow.

Unless Archer’s boys are over, Clementine’s the only person living on the lower level of their split-level home. Her bedroom, once painted darker tones of blues and reds for the boys, is now a sunny tangerine—in honor of her name. It’s pure sunshine as Devin inches inside and quietly sits on the edge of her bed.

For a moment, he stays silent. Watching him take in the serene lines of his niece’s slumbering face, my lungs grow tight, my breath trapped inside. Devin’s expression transforms, all the love in the world replacing the smirks and stiff jaw. This is the face of the man who took me to bed in Oregon. Who rescued me from a doomed marriage. Who made me laugh in New Orleans.

“Look at her. She’s growing up way too fast.”

I scratch beneath my eye, covering the need to blink away unexpected moisture and move further into the room. He doesn’t have to remind me. I babysat this sleeping beauty when she was just a little nugget.

Clem releases a sleepy moan as Devin brushes her yellow-blonde hair from her face, leaning closer. “Rise and shine, little Bug.”

“Devy?” Her blue eyes pop open. “You’re here!” Little arms grab Dev, pulling him into a hug as she squeals. When her chin rests on his shoulder and she spots me, she squeals a second time. “Nova!”

“Hey, pretty girl.” I hurry across the vibrant bedroom and return her hug the moment she crawls out of her sheets. “I missed you so much.” A tender groan leaves me as we squeeze each other tight.

I’m so immersed in my reunion with my former flower girl, I don’t notice Devin moving until his hand skims my back, and he’s right on top of us. My side against his chest. If I turned my face, I could bury myself in his shoulder. I tip my head back, meeting and holding his gaze.

Why does he occupy my thoughts like this? Why can’t I shake him? Where is Palmer? What would Benito think if he knew I was here with Devin?

Hisface scrunches with concern, and I force a smile. Now is not the time for the hard questions. This morning is about Clementine and Briar.

Tugging the ends of my hair, Devin smiles. “Whatdya say we get my third favorite blonde so this party can begin?”


These girls have no warm-up mode. With “Uncle Devy’s” presence, Clem and Briar are fully awake and two bundles of energy from the moment we hit the kitchen. Groaning and making a big deal over how big she’s gotten, Devin lifts Clem and places her on the island, while he carries Briar on his hip and dances around the kitchen, pulling out the things we need. My heart lodges in my throat as I wait for his direction. Anything to distract me from what future Devin would be like as a father.

When I try to read the worn and scribbled-on recipe card, Devin slaps his hand over mine andtsks, eliciting a string of musical giggles from the baby.

I can’t help laughing as Devin’s fingers squeeze mine. “Here’s the deal, Dimples. This is a family recipe. If I let you look, you have to promise you’ll never share or bake these pancakes with anyone outside of my family.”

I glance at a surprisingly subdued Clem. “It’s top secret,” she whispers.

“Ohhh.” My grin drops to match her dire expression, and I zip my lips with my free hand, Devin still holding my other hostage. “Top secret pancakes. Okay.”
