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“Oddly, no.”

“That’s your soul telling you it’s right.”

“I take it you weren’t nervous on your wedding day.”

“Not in the least bit.” He patted my hand.

We entered the ballroom, and it looked pretty enchanted if I do say so myself. Everyone was already standing as Charlotte made her way down the aisle. I noticed the tears streaming down Drake’s face as he watched my sister walk toward him. I really did like that guy.

My eyes then locked on Patrick’s. He was right—he was gazing at me adoringly. Or was that undressing me with his eyes? The song spoke to my feelings perfectly. “Oh, and then the spell was cast. And here we are in heaven. For you are mine. At last.”

“I WANT TO GIVE YOUyour gift of adventure before we go in.” Patrick nuzzled my neck as we sat in his car in the very early morning hours of Christmas outside the cottage. There, our family awaited us. Hopefully, none of them were watching for us, as we’d already fogged up the windows.

I tipped my head back and dug my fingers into his hair. “I’m not sure you can top last night’s adventure.” All I was going to say was glory hallelujah for hot tubs and honeymoon nights. Ooh la la, did mama ever need that. Like, wow.

“I’ll do my best tonight.” Patrick pressed gentle kisses against my skin.

“Yes, please,” I purred.

Patrick lifted his head. “I love you, Mrs. Abbott.”

I leaned in and kissed his lips. “I love when you say that.” He’d said it many times since we were pronounced man and wife the evening before. The ceremony couldn’t have been more perfect. Even when Mom began to hum “Wind Beneath My Wings” as we each spoke our vows. Somehow it seemed fitting.

“Well, Mrs. Abbott, I have a gift for you. A choose your own adventure, if you will.”

“I like the sound of that.”

He reached under his seat and pulled out a shimmering silver envelope. Before he handed it to me, he said, “No matter which direction you choose at first, I will be there every step of the way.”

“You certainly have me curious.” I took the envelope from him and opened it to find a Christmas card that read,Merry Christmas to My Wife. You are my favorite gift.“Aww. I do like to be unwrapped.”

“Don’t tempt me.”

“I’ll behave for now.” I opened the card to find two business cards. Definitely not what I was expecting. I pulled them out to examine them. One was for a doctor and the other for a lawyer. “I’m confused.”

Patrick took the business cards from me and held them up. “One is for the top fertility specialist in the country; the other is for an adoption attorney. I’ve made appointments with both.”

“Oh,” I said breathlessly.

“You pick the adventure we go on first. Which appointment do we keep?”

I rubbed my chest, my heart beating wildly out of control. “I know the odds are against it, but I want a baby with you. One with my curly hair and your and Bridgette’s aqua eyes, and Rory’s tenacity. But ...”

“Darling, there are nobutshere. We’ve only failed if we don’t try. Let’s see what Dr. Patterson has to say.”

“It’s going to break my heart when she tells me there’s no hope,” I warned him.

“Mine as well, but I promise you I will do all I can to ease your heartache.”

I believed him with all that I was. He and his children had already mended my heart in so many ways. They were my adventure of a lifetime. “I love you, Patrick.”

“Merry Christmas, darling.”

“Merry Christmas. Let’s go seeourchildren.”

We entered the cottage to the quiet sounds of Bing Crosby playing in the background. It smelled like my childhood Christmases: cinnamon rolls and wassail. A fire crackled in the fireplace, and the tree was all lit up. Under it, presents galore spilled out, wrapped in bright and festive paper. Mom and Dad danced together in the kitchen while Jameson, Rory, and Bridgette were fast asleep on the floor, Fiona curled up by their sides. It looked like a big slumber party had taken place in our absence. I took a mental picture of it all, to keep in my memories forever. I could hardly think of a more perfect scene.

“Merry Christmas,” I said, softly.
