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Something in me must have snapped, because I rushed after him, all while spiraling down a shame hole after the biggest slip of the tongue in the history of the world. All I knew was, it wasn’t supposed to be like this—not between us. “Patrick,” I called.

He stopped but wouldn’t face me.

“You promised you would never hate me,” I choked out.

His fists clenched. “I keptmypromise to you.” He said not another word and marched off.

I leaned against the wall and watched him go, wishing he would have said he hated me. That would have hurt less than the reminder I had been the one to break my promise. When he turned the corner out of sight, I swore one of the photos of a young Daisy—in a halter top and shorts, giving George the feistiest of looks—said my name. Seriously, I was losing it.

I gave her a surly look that said,What do you want?Yep, I had lost it.By the way, I blame you for this. I don’t know how you’re involved, but I know you and George are.I was sure Daisy would gladly take the blame.

A thought that didn’t seem to be my own popped into my head. I was pretty sure the voice sounded like it belonged to a perky, ornery blonde.He doesn’t hate you. That’s a start.

I almost laughed. With a start like that, it might as well be an ending.

“DEAR ONE, COULD YOU DOme a favor?” George asked.

I gripped the phone tighter to my ear as I looked out over the sea of branches before me that I would be hanging across the ballroom. Each limb needed to be wrapped in white twinkle lights. When I said I was creating an enchanted forest, I meant it. I didn’t have time to help anyone, but I knew I would do whatever George needed me to. “What can I do for you?” I said, trying to keep the exhaustion out of my voice. I’d hardly slept a wink the night before, as I kept going down the shame spiral that was slick with molten hot embarrassment. How could I blurt out that Patrick could help himself to me? He obviously found the idea revolting. I hadn’t seen him since theincidentyesterday.I assumed his children were at school and he was at work today. Or perhaps he was searching high and low for a new place to stay. I would more than appreciate it, under the circumstances.

“I need a few items from the store,” George’s aging voice shook.

“Is everything okay?” He’d never asked Charlotte or me to shop for him. He fiercely guarded his independence.

“No reason to fret, dear one. Just feeling a bit under the weather this morning.”

He was more than worrying me. “Should I call the doctor?”

He chuckled into the phone. “That won’t be necessary ... but I would appreciate it, if you went right away.”

I stood, not caring that I had hours of work ahead of me. “Yes, of course. Just tell me what you need.”

“Call me when you get there, and I’ll let you know.”

How odd, but it was George, so I shouldn’t have been surprised. “Okay.”

“You’re wonderful.”

“I’m not so sure about that. I’ll call you soon.”

“Please hurry.”

I hung up and raced to get my coat from the office. I ran into Charlotte in the hallway before making it there. She was going over the inventory today with Chef Paul. In all the weirdness of yesterday, I hadn’t made mention that I thought perhaps Paul had been flirting with me. I purposely didn’t tell her about my encounter with Patrick. The embarrassment was still too raw. Besides, she was feeling melancholy after Drake left. I felt like I needed to make her feel better, not the other way around.

“I’m running to the store for George. He’s not feeling well,” I said in a rush.

Charlotte’s face turned pale. “Is he okay?”

“Just a little under the weather,” I tried to soothe her.

“Do you want me to go with you?”

“That’s okay.” I needed the alone time to jam to Stevie Nicks in the car.

“Oh. I’m surprised George didn’t call me.”

I was too, come to think of it. Charlotte and George had a closer relationship than he and I did. Charlotte was like the daughter he never had. I was more like a niece to him. “I’m sure he knows how busy you are with yourChristmas Eveplans.”

“I suppose so.” She sounded hurt.
