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“What did you do this time?” I had to hold back my laughter.

“I was defending you, of course. These kids today, they like to dish it out, but they can’t take it. All I did was call the guy thea-word.”

“A-word? Which a-word?” I could think of some pretty ugly ones. I was surprised my mother would use such language, as she was still adamant that we not swear around her.

“You know, a butt,” she whispered, like she’d used the f-word.

I giggled. “Wow. You really let him have it.”

“Okay, I putholeat the end of it,” she said, like she was confessing a sin to a priest. “But the guy was saying some really bad things about you. Things I will not repeat.”

“I appreciate that.” I had enough to worry about. Although, I was dying inside knowing people were saying things about me that would cause my mother to use such language. I had never heard her say anything worse thanhell. And even then, she’d blushed and thrown her hand over her mouth. “Thank you for defending my honor.”

“Don’t you worry—I have the hot grandmas on it in my absence. One more Ron Swanson crack and these online jokers won’t know what hit them.”

I would beg her to stop, but I knew it would fall on deaf ears. So, I just cringed on the inside. “Well, I hope you get out of prison soon.”

“I will keep fighting the good fight.”

“Okay. I really need to go. I love you, Mom. Don’t forget to send Char and me your itinerary.”

“Will do, sweetie. By the way, just because you’re in your forties now, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still think aboutsafety.”


“Yeah, you know, safe sex.”

Oh. My. Gosh. I could not believe I was having this conversation. “Thanks for the advice, Mom. I’ll keep that in mind.” I decided it was best not to tell her that we weren’t having sex. I knew it was just easiest to accept her counsel and move on. If not, who knew what other doors it would open.

“I hear there are some really good condom options nowadays. They even have flavors.” She sounded giddy. “I might get some for your dad to try, even though we haven’t needed birth control for years.”

See what I mean? Doors I did not want opened. In fact, I wanted them bolted and sealed for eternity. Mom always saw herself as our best girlfriend who we should share everything with. As grateful as I was that she never made sex taboo, there were just some things I didn’t need to know. Things like what she and my father did in the bedroom.

I had no idea how to respond to her, for fear of what else would fly out of her mouth. I was saved from replying when more pressing matters presented themselves. Bridgette tore through the front door with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Mom, I have to go. Love you, bye.” I hung up, knowing my mother wouldn’t be happy about the curt goodbye, but something was obviously wrong with Bridgette. And even though I was not her favorite person, I felt like I should try to help.

I set the tree limb I was wrapping in lights to the side and stood to rush after her.

I made it to the spiral staircase as she was opening the door to the suite. “Bridgette, what’s wrong?”

She turned, her eyes puffy, with tear-stained cheeks, looking like she’d just lost her best friend.

My heart instantly broke for her.

“Why do you care?” She whipped around, opened the door, ran inside, and slammed it.

I stood there, stunned for a moment, not sure what to do—or if I should even do anything. But then I thought, what if she were my daughter? I would want someone to help her if I weren’t there. I knew Nina would want me to go to Bridgette. At least I thought she would. I was getting the feeling that my old friend wasn’t the person I thought I knew. Well, if I was going in, I knew I needed some reinforcements, so I headed to the kitchen first.

I waved at a few of the guests gathered in the dining hall. “How’s everyone?” I asked in my best inn-owner voice.


“Just fine.”

“Love the fresh powder.”

“These brownies are divine.” They absolutely were. I could have gone for a pan of them all to myself right about then.

“How are the wedding plans coming?” one woman asked.
