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When he said things like that, not only did I want to kiss his face off, but it made me think crazy things, like maybe weweresoul mates. And that the magic I felt twenty years ago was real and still existed today. All I knew was, it hadn’t been a fling. My feelings for him were still too strong for that to have been the case.

“I’ll save all the slow songs for you.”

“I can’t wait. I’ll join you soon—I just need to return this call to the plumbing contractor.” The house repairs were the bane of his existence right now.

I kissed his cheek before making a beeline to the rental counter. As I approached, I noticed a cute preppy boy wearing chinos, an Oxford shirt, and a sweater chatting up Bridgette. As I got closer, I recognized him to be Cruz, Cheri and Javier Alatorre’s youngest son. The Alatorres owned a Mexican restaurant near the ski resort, where they made the best homemade tortillas and sopapillas I’d ever had. On top of that, they were the nicest family around. Their kids were always polite. Gorgeous, too. They’d all inherited their dad’s beautiful brown skin and their mom’s stunning blue eyes. Bridgette seemed to be impressed, judging by the way she was biting her lip and leaning toward him, giggling.

Rory was carefully eyeing the situation in a protective stance, waiting to pounce if needed, I assumed. I was happy to see that there was affection between the siblings. I could only imagine how much they’d had to lean on each other over the years. Such resentment for Nina bubbled up inside me. Add Jared to that list. His call today hurt more than when he’d come into my office and announced he wanted a divorce, no questions asked. To find out he’d only married me so no one else had the opportunity was like a stab to the heart.

When Bridgette noticed me, she straightened up, blushing. “Um, Cruz, do you know Isabelle? She and my dad are ... together.”

I was glad she didn’t lie. I felt bad enough doing it myself. But mostly, I was happy she sounded okay with the fact that her dad and I were together.

“Yes.” Cruz shoved his hands in his pockets. “How are you, Ms. Valentine?” See, polite.

“I’m well, thank you. Are you excited for Christmas break?”

“Yeah.” He covertly looked at Bridgette.

I had a feeling he was hoping to make her part of his Christmas plans. “I’m glad to hear that. Please tell your parents hello for me.” I moved down the counter to give Bridgette her space.

Rory was grabbing his rollerblades, still carefully monitoring his sister’s situation.

“You okay there?”

Rory curled his lip. “I don’t trust pretty boys.”

“You’re kind of pretty.” I grinned.

“I’m a plum, thank you very much.”

“A plum?”

“Sweet and delicious.” He wagged his brows, laughing.

This kid was going to keep me on my toes. “Well, that’s a new one.”

“Don’t worry, Stepmommy dearest, I’ll catch you up on the lingo.”

“I appreciate that.”

“Hasta la vista.” He took his rollerblades and left me in the dust.

I got a pair of roller skates and hurried to a bench to put them on. I knew Jameson would be impatiently waiting. While putting on my skates, I noticed all the looks and whispers. Believe me, my sudden engagement was more of a shock to me than anyone. Despite being the one who blurted Patrick’s name. It reminded me about dirtbag Dave’s warning. I wondered what his deal was. If he was so certain it was Charlotte’s wedding and not mine, the paparazzi would be crawling all over the place already. But it had been quiet on that front with Drake not in town. Which made me all the more suspicious of Dave’s motives.

“Aunt Iz,” Jameson yelled from the rink’s edge.

I would have to worry about Dave later. Now, it was time for me to make a fool of myself and limbo. I finished tying my skate, shrugged off my coat, and headed for the cutest kid around. I barely made it to the rink before I heard, “Every limbo boy and girl ...”

Jameson took my hand and we were off. We did almost an entire turn around the rink before we headed for the limbo stick, set at the highest setting for the first go-round. Jameson barely needed to duck to go under. I, on the other hand, had to prove I was still limber.

“Way to go, Stepmommy dearest!” Rory yelled as he went under the stick right after me.

Several adults on the rink laughed above the loud music.

I didn’t realize Rory was playing too, but I was glad for it. I wondered what people made of his title for me. Hopefully they understood he was teasing me—given his tone, and especially the fact that he joined Jameson and me as we skated another loop around the rink to get in line to attempt the lowered bar. I liked that Rory was good with Jameson. It was important to me that anyone I brought into my life loved Jameson too.

Charlotte cheered for all three of us from the sidelines.
