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Rory meandered over too, trying to not look excited, but I could see it in his eyes.

I set the box on the counter. Patrick and his kiddos gathered round while I eagerly undid the ribbon and carefully lifted the lid.

We all stood in awe as we looked at our masterpiece that read,You light up our lives. Love, Patrick, Isabelle, Bridgette, and Rory.In a word, it was amazing. Amazing that I finally had a family of my own. Well, maybe not technically, but the picture didn’t lie.

“I love it.” Patrick kissed my head.

“Me too,” Bridgette agreed.

“Me three,” I added.

Rory curled his lips. “Do you really want me to say ‘Me four?’”

“Yes.” I poked him with my elbow.

“They’re cool” was all he would offer.

I would take it.

“I can’t wait to send one to Grandma and Grandpa.” Bridgette’s eyes deviously lit up.

I knew she spoke of Nina’s parents, as she called Patrick’s parentsNanaandPops.

“They’re going to flip when they see our tree and that we aren’t even wearing perfectly matching clothes.” Her tone held a lot of underlying resentment.

“Right?” Rory agreed, just as bitter as his sister.

I looked to Patrick for guidance on what to do or say. I hated they were hurting so much. Worse, that their family had inflicted the harm.

Patrick gathered his children in his arms, seemingly at a loss for what to say. The way they curled into him spoke volumes. They wanted him to make the pain and bitterness go away.

I looked at my parents, so grateful for them. Maybe mom was a little cuckoo, but we always knew we were unconditionally loved. She made every season magical and all about us. Dad too.

My parents’ furrowed brows spoke of their concern. They were also becoming more than fond of the siblings.

“We have to find a way to let go of the anger. All of us,” Patrick sighed. “We have so much good to look forward to.” He gave me a small smile.

“I hate them,” Bridgette cried.

“I know, honey. Me too.” Patrick stroked her hair.

“Maybe you could write them a letter to get your feelings out, even if you don’t send it,” I suggested, not sure if I was even welcome to make suggestions, but I wanted to make it better. And I wasn’t good at keeping my mouth shut sometimes. Just ask Drake.

Bridgette turned away from her dad, her gaze landing on me. She thought for a moment, making me nervous. Perhaps she didn’t appreciate my involvement. “That’s a good idea,” she finally said.

Before I knew it, she was in my arms. I held her incredibly tight. “I love you, kiddo” fell right out of my mouth. The thing was, it was true. I did love her, and Rory.

Every head seemed to whip my way.

Bridgette blinked up at me.

“Is that okay?” I hesitated to ask her.

“Yeah.” She smiled. “Just don’t become a psycho.”

The kitchen filled with laughter.

“I’ll do my best,” I promised.
