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I still grappled with taking such an heirloom gift, but George’s sincerity and pure love had me wrapping my arms around the crazy old man. “Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I will always treasure them and take special care of them.”

“Dear one, I would entrust them to no one but you. I can’t wait to see you wearing them on Christmas Eve.”

“George,” I half scolded him.

He chuckled. “Don’t ever underestimate my Daisy.”

Well, she was crazy if she thought I was getting married on Christmas Eve. Or I was, for even thinking Daisy had any influence at all. “I’ll show her.” I laughed.

George patted my back. “You don’t want to go head-to-head with her. She always wins.”

“Well, not this time.” Patrick and I would wed when his children were ready for us to, and not a moment sooner.

“Let the games begin,” George said as a warning.

I wasn’t worried. Not. At. All. Okay, maybe just a smidge.

“OPEN MINE FIRST.” BRIDGETTE HANDEDme a square box wrapped in pink and tied with a white bow.

I happily took the gift, from the comfort of Patrick’s lap. Happy to be in the quiet of the suite, with just the four of us basking in the glow of the Christmas tree and the fireplace’s low-burning flames. It was the perfect end to my birthday celebrations.

I took the gift, anxious to see what Bridgette had given me. I untied the ribbon and lifted the lid to discover two tickets at the bottom of the box. I eagerly picked them up.

“Dad helped,” Bridgette said before I could read what the tickets were for.

I held them up and read the name out loud. “Stevie Nicks!” I squealed like someone much younger. “I love her.”

“I know.” Bridgette clasped her hands together. “I remember you telling us the first night we had dinner together. I started listening to her music and she’s awesome. I thought it would be a fun girls’ night next year. Just you and me.”

My heart burst. I practically lunged in her direction to hug her. “Thank you. I can’t wait for March.”

“Me too. We’ll definitely need to go shopping.”

“Yeah, we will. We’ll go eighties style.”

She giggled.

I landed back in Patrick’s lap, where he wrapped an arm around me to secure me against him.

“I guess I’m next.” Rory sounded unsure, which made me even more curious about what he’d purchased with his own money. He grabbed a little black bag from under the tree among a few Christmas gifts. Some of them were from me. I had tried to be thoughtful when choosing my gift of adventure for each person. For Bridgette, it was a day at the spa; for Rory, a white-water rafting tour; and for Patrick, a hot-air balloon ride for the two of us.

Rory handed me the bag. “It’s no big deal.”

“It’s a very big deal.” I took it from him, just as eager to open his gift as his sister’s.

He rolled his eyes but smiled.

I removed the gold tissue paper to discover a pewter cuff bracelet with a heart and vines on it. I lifted it out to admire it. “It’s gorgeous.”

“Read the engraving inside,” Patrick whispered in my ear.

I turned it over and read,To the best stepmommy dearest. Love, Rory.

“Oh, wow.” I hardly knew what to say. I put the bracelet on, vowing to wear it every day of my life. “I love it. I love you all,” I choked out.

Rory knew what was coming and opened his arms wide. “Let’s get this over with,” he said playfully.

I left the comfort of Patrick’s arms and wound mine around Rory. “Thank you. You’re one of the best kids I know.” Bykids, I meant Jameson, Bridgette, and him.
