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“I wondered where you had gone to so urgently.” She looked expectantly at Will, who launched into introductions to cover the awkwardness.

“Lady Denbigh, this is the Duchess of Norfolk.”

“Your Grace.” For a second Charlotte smiled, but then her eyes widened, and she emitted an involuntary “Oh.”

Will hurried on.

“Lady Denbigh is an old friend of mine.” Will put deliberate emphasis on the word ‘friend’. “The Duchess of Norfolk and I, as you know, grew up together.”

“Yes.” Charlotte had regained her composure and was smiling widely at Will and Rose. “Will has told me so much about you.”

Will could see the confusion in Rose’s expression. For a moment, part of him was glad she was getting a taste of her own medicine. Maybe now Rose would understand how he had felt all these years. But Will knew he could not allow the misunderstanding to continue. He was about to emphasize the platonic relationship between himself and the countess, but people were beginning to look in their direction, so instead, he found himself saying to Charlotte, “The Duchess is getting married next week to the new Duke of Norfolk. She came to be measured for her wedding gown.”

He realized his error as soon as he said it. Rose would think he was trying to reassure the countess as to why he was talking to her rather than explaining why he was dancing with another woman at Almack's. Charlotte's expression indicated that she had realized the same thing.

“Please come and join us,” she said to Rose. “We have not been here long.”

“I would not presume to impose,” Rose demurred.

“You would not be imposing.”

“I have already eaten. I only stopped in for some supper.”

“Well, just join us for a glass of punch then.”

But Rose clutched her bag tightly against her middle as she shook her head.

“Thank you, but it has been a long day, and another long one beckons tomorrow, traveling back to Sussex, so I will take my leave and wish you both a good evening.”

With that, she turned on her heel and strode out of the main door.

Will and Charlotte stood side-by-side for a moment, saying nothing, and then Will turned to her.

“I think I need to go after her.”

Charlotte smiled. “What on earth are you doing still standing here?”

“But what about you?”

“I can fend for myself! Go.” She commanded.

“Are you sure?”

Charlotte laughed. “If you don’t, I will.”

Will smiled, nodded, kissed her hand, and then walked quickly after Rose, just in time to see her climbing into a carriage.

“Your Grace. Wait.”

Rose turned with one foot on the carriage step.

“Did you need something, Mr. Browning?”

“I need to explain.”

“You really don’t.” She shook her head.

“Where are you staying?”
