Page 97 of Buried Betrayal

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The girl glanced lazily at the knife before back at Trevor’s face. “You touched me first. And I don’t play nice with assholes.”

“Come on, Becca,” the blue-haired girl spoke up, grabbing her friend’s arm. “Let’s go.”

“I’m not done talking,” Trevor insisted, stepping in front of them when they moved for the locker room.

“Trevor,” Eddie murmured, his eyes darting between his friend and the two girls. “Leave it alone.”

Instead of doing what Eddie said, Trevor lunged forward, his blade aimed at Becca’s chest. She ducked out of the way, her eyes going dark. After he missed, Trevor slashed at the other girl and cut her on the upper arm.

“That was a mistake,” Becca snarled, leaping at Trevor. She knocked him to the floor, throwing her fists at him.

“Let’s get the hell out of here,” River muttered.

Eli and I were right behind him as we went around Trevor and the girl fighting. Eddie was trying to pull Trevor off, and I looked ahead of me right when something hard slammed into my chest. Eli and River halted next to me as I stared at the man in front of me. He had his gun pressed over my heart, causing ice to flow through my veins.

“The Ghosts know not to start shit here,” he hissed as two more men stepped up behind him.

“We aren’t with them,” I said quickly. “We’re not even from Detroit.”

The guy studied us for moment before shrugging. “You should choose your friends more carefully.”

“Wait—” River was cut off when one of the men stepped forward and punched him in the nose.

“Move,” the man with the gun instructed, forcing me to walk backward. They ushered us through the door and shoved us through the locker room as we tried arguing with them. Panic rushed through me as they pushed us into the open shower area. My back slammed against the tiled wall, and River landed on the floor next to me, his face covered in blood. Eli hissed out a breath when one of the men slammed an elbow into his ribs.

Trevor and Eddie were thrown next to us, and the four men stood in front of us with their guns raised.

“We didn’t do anything,” River yelled, wiping the blood falling from his nose. “We have nothing to do with these dicks. Or the Ghosts.”

The man who had his gun on me, stared at us, his blue eyes ice cold. “The bouncer said you came in with them.”

“The Reapers don’t own this place,” Trevor spat out, standing from the floor. “You have no right—”

“Everyone in this city knows not to touch my daughter,” a voice echoed through the locker room as another man stepped forward. He was older, and his black beard matched the small amount that was on his head. Behind him was the girl with blue hair. Her eyes darted to each of us before landing on River.

River sucked in a breath when the man looked at him. I stared at the man again, wondering if River knew who he was. I’d never seen him before. The man looked at River before nodding his head at one of his men.

I flinched when a shot rang out before Trevor slumped to the yellow tiles with a hole straight through his head. Nausea rolled my stomach and I understood how badly we fucked up coming here. We were nobodies here. They didn’t care what our last names were.

“Holy shit,” Eli muttered, shifting closer to me as Trevor’s blood spread across the floor.

Eddie snarled as he lunged and tackled the man closest to him. The guy’s gun slid across the floor and Eli scooped it up. My heart hammered against my ribs as all the other weapons in room became trained on one of my best friends.

Eli pointed it to the guy in charge. The girl’s eyes widened while the man didn’t move a muscle.

“We’re leaving,” Eli stated, ignoring the other three guns that were aimed on him.

“No, you’re not,” the man answered calmly.

“I’ll shoot,” Eli threatened, completely in control. “If we’re going to die in this room, I’ll take you with me.”

Eli’s finger tightened on the trigger, and I knew he’d do it. We weren’t leaving here alive, and Eli wasn’t about to die without doing what he could. I didn’t even notice River had snuck up behind Eli until he ripped the gun from Eli’s hands. Eli growled in anger, spinning around.

River’s hands shook as he gripped the gun, but he didn’t hesitate with his aim. The second he had a clear shot, he pulled the trigger. Eddie let out a scream when the bullet hit his spine. My mouth fell open as I stared at River, wondering what the hell he was doing.

“Let us go,” River demanded, his voice shaking.

The man who had the power in the room, stroked his black beard as he gazed at River. “You can leave. Consider it a payback for putting down the trash. But these two stay.”

He nodded to his men again, and all of them lowered their weapons. Confusion overpowered my fear, not understanding what was happening. I took a step forward only for the man in front of me to aim his gun on me again. Eli shot a look at River, and I waited for River to do what both Eli and I expected. There were no weapons on him. He could take a few of these guys out so we could get the fuck out of here. We’d been handling guns for years—only in gun ranges—but River was a good shot.

River glanced at us, his eyes unreadable. I subtly nodded, telling him to do it. Half the guys weren’t even looking at him now. There was a chance we’d make it out of here alive. River looked back at the man and the girl before dropping the gun and stepping out of the showers.

“River,” Eli hissed, watching our best friend walk away. The door slammed shut when River left us.

My scrambled thoughts filled with shock and anger that River left us. He had a chance to get us all out, and he chose not to. Without a fucking word. The man with the beard exchanged a few whispered words with one of the guys before leaving the room. The girl trailed behind him, leaving my sight.

Once they were gone, the four men closed in on me and Eli. We got hits on them, but it wasn’t a fair fight. Pain ricocheted through my body with every punch and kick. My chest seared each time I sucked in a breath. At least one of my ribs were broken. I couldn’t even see Eli anymore as two guys pummeled me.

After what felt like an eternity, they left us there. Eli was unconscious, and I slowly twisted my neck, looking from him to the floor where our blood was smeared. My body began going numb, and I wondered how long we would be here until death claimed us.
