Page 82 of Tangled Up in Texas

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“She’ll be fine,” Mrs. Hannam had said. “I amnotmissing out on it.”

“It’s kind of personal, though, isn’t it?” I tried, but Mrs. Hannam wouldn’t have it.

“I’ll hide if I have to, but I’ll be there.” She fought me hard and never gave in. In the end, we agreed she could set things up, but she had to stay out of sight until Christie made her choice.



I had never seen this side of the park, but it was clean and more open than the trails we’d always walked. Ryan’s business had made huge changes in the past year, and he and I were even talking about trying to expand in Houston now.

James was playing on the playground near the picnic tables, and Darlene was setting out the buns for the hamburgers. Darlene’s previous clients were eager to work with her in her new daycare venture, which meant the birthday boy had tons of friends to invite to his event.

“Christie, can you hand me that?” Darlene pointed to the plate full of sliced vegetables, which had started to attract flies. “And the aluminum foil,” she added.

I leaned over and snagged the plate, barely keeping a grip with one hand while the other pulled the sheet of foil from beneath the tubes of condiments.

“Is Duke coming back?” I asked, realizing he hadn’t even turned up yet.

“He had to pick up James’s gift.” Darlene winked and made her way back to the grill.

Ryan set a few cooked patties on the plates she held out, and I admired him from afar, eager for him to be done with his task.

Missy and a few kids were walking out of the trees, another collection of kids in tow trailing them excitedly. “I hope they’re not all yours!” I called, and Missy waved excitedly. When she finally reached the table, holding her large stomach, she looked overwhelmingly tired. “Dang!” I said, eyeing her flushed skin. “You could have parked on this side, you know.”

“Yeah,” she gasped, waving a paper plate so it blew air against her face. “I realized that halfway down the trail.

I gave her a half-hug and patted her back. “I’ll drive you back.”

She nodded gratefully and pursed her lips, a long breath leaving her lips. “Sarai and Bea are coming. Their kids just ran ahead.”

“You ready for your first?”

“After today, we’ll see.”

Darlene joined us, her reunion with Missy grand and full of excitement. “Your hair! Oh my gosh!” Darlene squealed, bouncing Missy’s short black curls on her palm and admiring the shine.

“Thank you,” Missy said, though her eyes were on the kids on the playground equipment. “Hey, y’all. You take turns, or your momma won’t let you play!”

“See, you’re ready,” I teased, poking her arm.

“Those kids. I swear.” Missy shook her head. “Five minutes, and they’re already driving me nuts.”

When the burgers were ready, Ryan set them on the table, and the kids were called to eat. The smaller ones started first on the ones Darlene had prepared and let cool so they wouldn’t burn their tongues. I waited until everyone got their fill, unwilling to fight for my food.

“Babe, aren’t you hungry?” Ryan bent over from behind me, and I tilted my head up, our lips meeting for a moment before I leaned forward for a breath.

“Just waiting for the excitement to die down.” I waved toward the food. “I’m more of a nibbler.”

He laughed. “Yeah, right.” He produced a plate with a burger prepared with all the fixings.

“No, you go ahead and eat,” I argued. “You were the one who cooked.”

But before he could respond, the kids broke out in screams, and we all faced the source of their rising excitement.

“Who’s ready to have fun!” Duke was trying to run, but a brand-new little buggy was in his hands. Its yellow color and black seat and handlebars made it look almost like a real one, but then he set it down and revved it, the battery-powered whir sending kids racing toward him, their half-eaten burgers forgotten for the moment.

“Well, what a present!” I said, looking at Ryan, then Darlene.

Ryan’s eyes were proud as James scrambled onto his new ride, but Darlene just shook her head, her hands on her hips as she watched them. “He was supposed to wait.”

We all watched as the kids chased James from behind, each begging for a turn while Duke played referee. It was a sweet time, a sweet moment, and such an incredible day. This life had turned out to be so much more than I ever imagined, yet it still only felt like the beginning.

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