Page 7 of Fierce-Ivan

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“You know what she is doing, right?”

“She wants to set your cousin up,” she said. “You’ve told me before. She likes to do that with everyone.”

“You also know she wants to set you up too,” Ella said.

“So you’ve said in the past. I’m good. I don’t need anyone to get involved in my life.”

She’d been managing her life on her own for a long time.

She’d been caring for her mother and a house too. At eighteen, she’d gone to college locally so she could be home every night and help her mother.

Her mom could still drive at that point but didn’t venture out much. She drove to work and back or she got a ride if Kendra couldn’t work it around her class schedule.

Soon though, her mother’s limited vision made recognizing traffic signs and the colors on lights too difficult and, if needed, they paid for taxis. They made it work because her mother needed to work.

“Not wanting anyone to do that and telling Jolene Fierce to mind her own business are two different things and you know it.”

“I love your mother and would never say anything disrespectful to her,” she said.

“Please,” Ella said. “Give her hell like the rest of us. Stand up for yourself.”

“I’ve been polite and told her I was good when she has brought up me needing to find a good man.”

Ella laughed. “I’ve been trying to push her off of you for months. She’s digging her heels in now. Be prepared. I told her I didn’t think you were interested in dating. Just in case it came up.”

“Thanks,” she said. “I appreciate you trying to fend her off for me. What did she say?”

“She immediately thought I was saying you were gay and I laughed at her. She said she knows you aren’t.”

“I’m not,” she said.

“It’s your choice if you are. I just told her you never talk much about men.”

Kendra liked her boss a lot, but she tried to keep her personal life private.

She wasn’t one to bring drama to work and hated when others did it. She talked to a few coworkers in the office and felt she got along with a lot of them, but that was because she did keep to herself.

Life was easier that way.

“I haven’t had much to talk about,” she said.

“Again,” Ella said, “your choice. You know I enjoy yanking my mother’s chain. Anytime you want me to steer her in another direction just say the word. But we know I’ll be going out soon and I won’t be here to do it. She might find that window of opportunity to push Ivan on you.”

“What?” she asked. Her jaw was open and she forced it shut.

“Oh my,” Ella said, smirking. “I’m so sorry. I guess I assumed you knew that is what her plan was. She has you all set up with Ivan in her mind.”

“I had no idea,” she said. “She’s never said that.”

“She wouldn’t come right out and say it at first. Does she drop his name around you?” Ella asked.

Kendra thought back and realized it was happening more than normal recently. “A time or two.”

“Pay more attention and mess with her head,” Ella said. “Cade and I love it. We’ll help you out.”

“I think you’re crazy. No way your mother thinks Ivan and I would work.”

Kendra never guessed anyone would think she was good enough to be with a member of the Fierce family.
