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I want to knot her, just like she keeps asking.

But I won’t do that until she’s had a chance to think things through.

“You’re right,” she says, like she’s reading my mind. “We should take a break from each other today. And then…”

“Tonight, I’ll knot you,” I murmur. “If you still want me.”

She smiles. “Is it crazy that your restraint just makes me want to tease you more?”

I grin. “I wouldn’t expect anything else.”




“You have to tell meeverything.”

Peaches will not leave me alone as I wade out toward the waterfall, anxious to get myself clean. Reyes’ scent is still all over me, and I can’t seem to think straight when I’m drenched in that red wine and incense aroma. I take a bar of soap with me, wondering if the spell will break once I’ve managed to rinse him off.

I don’t think it will, though. I’m head over heels for him, and I can’t deny that any longer.

I don’t think I evenwantto deny it.

“Some things deserve a little privacy, Peaches,” I call back to her, glancing over my shoulder. She doesn’t have to be here—she’s not even bathing—but she’s taken to watching my back in case Arden shows up.

“If you cared about privacy, you two wouldn’t have spent the whole damn night howlin’ at the moon,” Peaches laughs. “I always figured he must be a freak in the sheets…so I guess I was right?”

“Jesus, Peaches!”

“Yeah, you kept callin’ his name last night,” she says. “‘Jesus, Reyes, just like that—‘“

I blush, ducking under the water so I don’t have to listen to her. I can’t believe how embarrassed I am, but I’ve never been much of an exhibitionist. Sure, I try to be bold, but that’s all an act; I just want people to think I’m brave so they’ll leave me alone.

I get the impression that Reyes can see through that show of bravery…and I think I love that about him.

I think I lovehim, and it’s strange and new and unexpected, and so fuckingweirdthat I can’t quite wrap my head around it.

I take a long time in the water, scrubbing out my hair and rinsing off my skin until all I can smell is soap. But that feeling of closeness remains—the urge to get closer to him and return to his bed. It’s almost like I can still feel him there with me, sense his emotions, determine how his conversation is going with the other alphas.

I think it’s going…okay.

He isn’t super distressed. There’s just the steady thrum of his heartbeat, like we’re still in bed together, his big hand wrapped around mine.

I wonder if this is the bite doing its work. I’ve never felt this way before.

But I’ve never been in love, so I’m not really sure.

“So what was it like?” Peaches asks as I come back up for air, still staying as far away as possible. She splashes her feet in the springs, giving me a dreamy smile. “I’ve always gotten the feeling that he would becrazygood in bed if he ever pulled that stick out of his ass. I mean, you’ve seen the man dance.”

I bite my lip and smirk. “I mean…yeah, you’re pretty spot on.”

“So heisexcellent in bed,” she says. “And the mating bond? What’s it like? I saw the bite mark on his neck.”

I pause. “I don’t know,” I say. “I’ve never been in a relationship, so I don’t really know what it’s like to be with someone at all.”

She gapes at me. “Wait. Are you saying—”
