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I step away from Annie’s stall and toward Reyes, his gaze growing heated as our scents intermingle. He stays still as a statue, letting me approach him and sling my arms around his neck.

“Let me guess,” I say. “Omegas are supposed to be docile, to follow the Prime’s orders especially…”

“Something like that, if you believe everything we know about lycan,” he says with a smirk.

“Hate to break it to you, but I’m not that kinda girl,” I say.

I kiss him hard, standing on my tip-toes to get a better angle. Reyes lets out a rumble deep in his chest, an animalistic sound that seems to awaken every primal instinct I have. My fingers grasp at his black t-shirt, eager to tear off the fabric, and I gasp when they do just that.

“What the…” I say, pulling away and staring at him. I frown at the way my hands have changed, my nails getting just alittlesharper and longer—more like claws. “Is this…?”

Reyes takes my left hand in his right, narrowing his eyes in curiosity. “Maybe the exchanged bites have quickened the process,” he says. “I don’t think you’ll ever be full lycan, but you’re turning into one of us.”

The prospect of that sends a thrill through me. It’s a little disturbing, but it feels exciting to know that I’m going to get some of the perks of having that lineage—quick healing and in-built weapons. Reyes’ bite mark on my hip throbs, sending waves of liquid heat across my skin.

“Is it bad that I want to tear your clothes off right now?” I ask.

He laughs. “I think you kind of already did.”

I do away with the rest of his shirt, the black fabric falling away in ribbons on the floor. I feel like they must have like…an overstock of shirts somewhere around here, given how often they end up ripped off. I’ll have to ask Reyes about that when I’m not so damn horny. I duck my head against his neck to inhale his smoky scent, dragging my tongue over my bite mark before growling in his ear.

“Here,” I say. “Now.”

I turn and push him backwards onto a bail of hay. He stares up at me with a dazed smile, reaching for his pants and unzipping them. I don’t need any fanfare this time around—I just want to feel him inside me, filling me up. His girthy cock falls out of his pants, the heft of him making my mouth water, and I get on my knees in front of him.

Now that I’m not in such a haze—like I was last night on that altar—it’s time to have a little fun. “I bet it’s been a while since you got head, huh?” I ask, reaching to stroke him. I widen my fingers to palm his knot. They don’t even reach all the way around.

I think he’s been struck speechless. Or at least, it seems that way when I wrap my lips around the head of his cock. Reyes groans and tilts his head back against the wooden wall of the barn, his arms limp at his sides as I suck him deep into my throat.

“Fuck,” he curses. His hand reaches to tangle in my hair, but I growl a warning.

“I’m in charge,” I mutter. “Stay still.”

As if compelled, he draws his hands away, placing them firmly at his sides. He doesn’t even rock his hips as I start to fuck him with my mouth, saliva sliding down his shaft and over his knot. I taste precum on the back of my tongue like so much red wine, and just vaguely like blackberries.

We’ve become one flesh, just like he said. Intermingling and colliding.

“Tilda…” he rumbles. “I’m going to…”

I pull off of him with a pop, stroking him slowly. “Don’t you dare come until you’re inside me,” I murmur. I stand and shimmy out of my jeans, and Reyes gazes up at me with the kind of reverence I thought he was supposed to reserve for the divine.

“Are you going to knot me now?” I ask.

“No,” he says. “And don’t…don’t order me to do it, because I think your powers of suggestion are growing.”

I frown, but I can’t worry about that just yet. Instead, I make a mental note to ask about it later. My panties are already soaked through, the heady scent of him invading my senses. My pussy throbs with need, my inner walls clenching with an overwhelming desire to swallow him whole.

I straddle him, and we both close our eyes and gasp at the contact. He’s so fucking thick that I can’t believe I’m not sore today, but I guess it just has to be that wolf magic.

“I wish you would, though,” I whisper, careful not to say the word.

“Tonight,” he says. “I’ll do it tonight.”

I sink down on him with a groan, taking his full length. Reyes unleashes a primal growl, his teeth grazing over my neck. I’m tempted to tell him to bite me, but I know we should be careful; if we’re going to meet with the Homesteaders tomorrow, I don’t want them to see the mark on me.

“Not there,” I gasp, rolling my hips. His knot is dangerously close to slipping inside, and I know we won’t be able to untangle once it penetrates me. I yank my top down to reveal my breasts, and gesture over my heart. “Here. I want you to bite me here.”

His hands are still at his sides, not touching,justlike I told him. His hips twitch to thrust into me, though, and I let myself rise and fall to build delicious friction. “Are you sure?” he asks.

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