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“I’m kidding, Enid,” I say. “No one is going to hurt y’all. And you know that if you want to join us, there’s a place for you.”

I put my hand on her shoulder, and she covers my hand with hers.

“I know,” she says. “I’ll see you in an hour.”

“See you in an hour,” I say. “I love you, Enid.”

She smiles, fighting back tears. “Love you too, Tillie.”

And then she leaves me alone, hanging on to the hope that she’ll stick to her word.




As the full moon rises, the mood in the den isverydifferent than it was last month. This time, we’re preparing an attack on an enemy encampment—to howl at the moon as we race across the prairie.

We’re going to get my mate.

Arden has spent the past six days casing the settlement, and she’s developed a plan while I’ve recovered. A small group of us will go to Homestead and sneak in through a hole in the wall. From there, we’ll head to the jail, where Tilda has been kept since she was taken inside. We’ll be quiet—in and out, harming as few people as possible.

I select my group carefully, knowing I’ll need people to keep Arden in line, given that she’s on the war path. Elijah and Grant volunteer, while Will stays behind. Mateo agrees as well, despite Kenji’s insistence that he remain. Even Suyin comes with us, eager to help if Tilda is hurt.

To my surprise, Peaches volunteers. Most of the time, omegas stay holed up during the full moon, but she wants to help…and omegas are stealthy enough that she’ll be instrumental in our success.

She wants Tilda home as much as I do, and I’m committed to getting her back.

Charlotte is the last member of our crew, offering to ride Tilda’s horse back to Homestead so they have some way to get back with us. I think I’m big enough to carry Tilda on my own back, but with my recent wound, I’m not sure if I’m strong enough. Charlotte insists on joining us.

Our whole family will be there to bring her home.

We leave as the sun sets, traveling in a group and then spreading out. With the heat of the first full moon growing, we have to be cautious; our impulses will be stronger, our resolve to do the right thing weaker. Grant, Arden, Suyin, and Peaches are all unmated. The alphas should be okay, but they’ll seek out betas and omegas. Peaches is taking on added risk. They’ll need to stay separated if they want to avoid an awkward morning.

Not that I would judge. I’ve certainly done worse.

Homestead is a few hours northeast of us when we’re shifted, and I fall into the rhythm of my heartbeat as I feel Tilda getting closer. My chest still aches from my healing wound, but the recent bite on my neck apparently did most of the work of super-boosting my red blood cells.

If they hurt her, I don’t know what I’ll do. I don’t think I’ll be able to stop myself from taking out my rage on anyone and everyone who took her from me.

I tell myself that I would be able to sense it if she was hurt, or worse, dead. I can’t let myself think that, even when my faith in our future has already been broken.

My senses heighten as the moon rises, a few wisps of cloud covering the silver disc in the purple sky. All around me, I hear my packmates, along with the steady pounding of hooves behind us as Charlotte rides at our flank. Arden is up ahead, keeping pace with Grant, while Elijah stays close to his mate.

Now that I’m mated, I’m single-minded in my focus on Tilda. I’m sure she’s feeling the effects of the moon as well, probably sweating and writhing in the sheets. My blood heats at what we’ll do together once she’s in my arms once again, and I practically salivate at the prospect.

I’m going to bury my face between her thighs, make love to her under the moon. And once I get her home, we’re staying in my bed until the week is over.

I’m coming to get you, I think, hoping she can hear me.And once I have you, I’m never letting you go again.




Enid comes back as the sun sets, just like she promised. I jump to my feet when I see the door crack open, and her head pokes around the edge.
