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The air seemed to freeze in a crystalline silence. Then, to Braonan’s absolute shock, Camellia began to laugh. It wasn’t a cheerful laugh—she sounded almost scared, maybe even terrified. She bent over, her hands on her knees as she wheezed, almost as if she was struggling to get air.

“Lass? Camellia?” Braonan took a few steps forward, hand reached out though he didn’t actually touch her. “What—?”

“1673!” she gasped hysterically, and then her laughter turned into sobs, huge, chest-heaving sobs that rocked her whole body. She sank to the ground, her legs giving way below her. “I didn’t even get the damned cherries!”

“Cherries? What—”

“Tell me this is a joke,” Camellia wept. “Tell me you’re lying.”

Braonan didn’t know what to say. “I—”

“Me Laird, the Lass clearly isnae right. Maybe we need to take her to a physicker,” one of the men said. “Or at least one of the healers.”

“Laird!” Camellia exclaimed, and her laughter started afresh. “It’s true then. It’s all true. I’ll never see home again.”

And then she slumped forward, her face on the cold ground as unconsciousness took her once more.

Braonan moved forward, crouching down beside the lass once more.Camellia. He wondered if the herbalists would know that name, but it certainly didn’t ring any bells with him. He touched her shoulder, shaking her gently, but she didn’t move.

“She isnae waking,” he reported to his watching men.

For the first time since their arrival, the second-youngest member of the party spoke. “What should we do? Do we take her with us?” asked Diarmad, Braonan’s younger brother.

Braonan nodded distractedly. “Aye, well. I am nae too fond of the idea of bringing a stranger an’ probably a foreigner into Forrester Castle, but it doesnae seem like we have much of a choice.” He considered the unconscious figure for a moment. “Diarmad, ride back to the Castle an’ let them ken we’re on our way, will ye? Tell Maisie to be ready for a patient. Rory, go wi’ him.”

Diarmad nodded, as did the red-haired man next to him. Diarmad gave his brother and the still figure one last look, then he and Rory spurred their horses into a turn and rode off back along the short road to the Castle. Braonan watched them go.

With a low whistle, Lachlan dismounted his horse and moved to Braonan’s side. “Wee bit of a surprise, all this.”

“Ye’re telling me,” Braonan muttered. Lachlan moved to help him, but Braonan brushed him away; the Laird didn’t need help to lift this slim young woman into his arms. He carried her over to his horse, only accepting Lachlan’s help to position her properly so that she didn’t fall off during the ride.

Lachlan mounted again, and the two of them started the ride back to the Castle, Braonan’s mind spinning. Something very, very strange was going on here. And this lass with her odd clothing and purple shoes was at the center of it all.
