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Isla met Jack in his study the next afternoon after she finished with Moira. She had washed up first and changed into clean clothes because the ones she had on before smelled of smoke and she was sure her hair had stalks in it.

Jack didn’t seem happy when she walked in. He had a bottle of brandy on his desk, and he was drinking from his quaich when she closed the door behind him.

“Jack,” she called and stepped closer. He met her gaze briefly, and Isla noticed his tormented look. Her heart instantly went out to him, and she wished there was a way to console him.

“Did you need something?” he asked when she got to him. Isla quickly shook her head. She stood by the side of his chair and put a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry for what happened to the stable lad and his sister,” she said.

“There is nay reason for ye to be sorry. I let my guard down and my enemies think I am weak, so they have come in and killed an innocent lad and lass.”

“I wonder who must have done this,” she lamented. Isla couldn’t think of a reason why it would have happened. The stable lad and his sister were mere servants, and she didn’t think there was any important reason why they had to be killed.

“I will take the measures I have to take now and never make the same mistake twice. The Highland clans will never miss an opportunity to create strife and troubles in my land and if that is my enemy’s intent, then they willnae get the chance to strike again.”

“I want to help you in any way I can,” Isla said the second the thought entered her mind. “You can tell me what I can do.”

Jack was quiet for a long time, and she wondered if he had anything to ask of her as he stared hard at the scroll in front of him. He sighed after some time, then shook his head and muttered, “This is insane—”

“Tell me,” Isla insisted, then gently pushed aside some scrolls so she could lean against his desk. She stayed that way for some time, then she sat on the edge and faced him fully.

“The Myth of Ardenhill,” Jack began, then trailed off again. “You said it wasn’t a myth and that it was real. Was that a joke, or did you mean it?”

“It isn’t a myth,” Isla replied. “In the year 1900 the treasure is found under Humphreys Castle buried deep in the underground caves men are yet to explore.”

“And that means it’s there right now?” Jack asked. “If it was found in the 1900’s then it means the treasure is there right now, and it is—”

“It is gold,” Isla cut in as she realized what he was driving at. Her pulse spiked and her eyes widened. “There’s gold right here and if you find it, then your Clan will never be poor or weak ever again.”

Her voice had become hushed, like she was whispering to a child, and Jack nodded as the corner of his lips quirked a little. “Are ye ready for an adventure?” he asked her.

Isla giggled. “Oh yes!” She loved adventures and lived for them. It’s the reason why she had come to Birlet Shallows in the first place. Isla’s entire body tingled in anticipation of what was to come as Jack got on his feet, walked over to his huge shelf, and pulled out a wide scroll map.

“In here lies the secrets and every nook and cranny of this Castle and the grounds beyond. It was designed by my grandfather, and it is perfectly detailed. We call it the Hump’s eye.”

“I know it,” Isla said then dashed to where Jack stood, and stared at the map with him. “I know the Hump’s eye. The map shows expanse of vast lands, hills and mountains that make up the Highlands. Even before the war, the Scots and English had used the map to determine the terrains that would hold their men for the battle. Culloden doesn’t survive after this bloody battle, and it makes the fall of Scotland.”

“Scotland falls?” he asked her.

Isla shook her head. “Not entirely, but they become one with England. Most of the Highland clans don’t exist for much longer after the merger.”

She saw emotion flash in his eyes at the revelation and instantly regretted that she had divulged so much in her moment of excitement. “Jack—”

“Let’s focus on the treasure,” he stopped her, then let her peek at the map. “You know better, so you should know the exact place where the treasure was found and what it looked like.”

“I don’t think you understand,” Isla said with a frown as she raised her head and looked at Jack. “Yes, I know where the treasure was found, but it’s not a box or sack of precious stones you can lift into your chamber and use. It’s an entire mine. A gold mine, and it’s buried under your Castle.”

She pointed at the circled spot on the map that showed the cave beneath the Castle to buttress her point as Jack met her gaze.

“A gold mine?” he asked in a shaky tone. His eyes widened with his disbelief and Isla simply nodded.

“A gold mine,” she repeated as a smile curved out on her lips and slowly Jack began to laugh.

The riotous sound filled the air and tickled Isla until she joined him.History is about to get rewritten,she thought as she glanced at Jack when his laughter quieted down. Once they found the treasure, his Clan would have all they wanted, and his name would go down in history books for discovering another gold mine on the Highlands.

Rumbling thunder struck outside and sent a shiver up Isla’s spine. The downpour came without warning and reminded her of the night she was transported back to this time.
