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“True,” Isla said. “But what if they were consequences? Let me give you a literal example. What if you fell in love with a man who doesn’t exist in your world? Like… a man from a past time?”

Moira stopped walking, and Isla faced her. She held her breath because Moira’s eyes had bulged, and she was frozen in a spot.

Suddenly, she burst into a fit of laughter. Her voice boomed in the air, then she clutched her sides, bent over, and laughed some more.

“That was a funny joke,” Moira said when she finally settled.

Isla feigned a laugh to make the moment pass.Did you think she would understand you?

“Did ye read that in a text? History text? The kind that talks of fairy tales and magic?”

Isla nodded. “Yes… back in England I did. The story plagues me so.”

Moira shook her head. “I think those who love each belong together. They wouldn’t fall in love if they shouldn’t be together.”

Isla’s lips tipped on a smile, but it didn’t fully form.

They continued their stroll, and she released a deep breath to ease the tightness in her chest.

Back in her time England, her people would be searching for her. She imagined her friends would worry and then her father’s estate. What would happen to all they had left her? She had nothing to remind her of her parents here besides her memory.

If she chose Jack now out of love, would those memories be enough after time passed?

Love…the word made her heartbeat slow, and the rapid pull of air into her lungs made her lungs tight.

I’m in love with him.

The realization struck like lightning and made her clench her fists at her sides.Did Jack feel the same way?

Isla felt like she was living in a tragic romance text. The likes of the Shakespearean Romeo and Juliet story.

Tears stung at her eyes, and she pushed them back because she didn’t want Moira to ask questions. To Moira, she was betrothed to the Laird, and it had to stay that way.

During supper that night, Isla barely said a word. She noticed Jamie staring at her with his usual intense gaze. It made her uncomfortable. She looked at Jack and found that he had barely touched his food.

He also avoided looking at her. They finished their meal and Isla headed for her chamber. She couldn’t find sleep even after hours of pacing around in the dark.

The fireplace provided warmth that filled the chamber, but it was nothing compared to what Jack’s arms provided.

Every passing second made her long for him more. When she couldn’t take it anymore, Isla decided to seek him out. She left her chamber in a hurry and headed for his study so she could speak with him.

She didn’t know what she wanted to speak of exactly, but her mind was racing with different thoughts.

Isla didn’t think Jack would send her away. The last time they spoke in the garden, she had interpreted his words as an invitation. If she decided to stay here then they could be together.

Would there be any consequences? Would the gypsy allow it?

She was torn in her thoughts as she passed the stairs and reached the ground landing. Isla reached Jack’s study door and paused when she heard voices from inside.

The door was slightly ajar, so she could hear Jack’s voice. The other person in his study was Aideen. She recognized his voice too.

“The Calloways have proposed marriage to the daughter of their chief merchant.”

“They ken I am betrothed,” Jack replied. “Why would they still propose marriage?”

Aideen was silent, and Isla’s heart pounded until she felt a piercing ache in her chest.

“Marriage to an outlander has never been heard of in Humphreys before. But we could convince Calloway to request differently. The Lady Isla is already here and willnae want to break faith with the English household she belongs to.”
