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However, the swelling in her heart made it difficult for her to keep the tears at bay. She hiccupped, and tried to speak, but he kissed her then. It was brief and sweet, but it made her ache like never before.

Could she survive this pain? Or live without Jack?

I must… I have to.

Her lids fluttered closed when Jack pressed a kiss to her forehead. He got up and walked away from her, leaving Isla to her own silent tears and sorrow.

* * *

Isla tried saying goodbye to everyone in her own way. She spent time with Penelope in the kitchen even though Faye tried to make her leave the fireplace and return to her chamber.

“My Lady, ye need to leave the fireside. The Lady of the Castle shouldnae be seen in the kitchen.”

Faye spoke in hushed tones and Isla could see that some servants stared at her as she lifted a basket of fruits from the ground and carried into the kitchen.

“I love helpin’,” she told Faye with a smile just before Moira came to join them.

Isla sat with Penelope as she started slicing the fruits. It was her last supper in the Castle, and she wanted it to be special. The last time she made pie, Jack had loved it.

Memories of that night entered her mind and she flushed. Jack’s gentleness made the night unforgettable, and Isla hoped she could get one more chance with him like that before it was time for her to leave.

She made another pie that night, and when it was time for supper, everyone gathered in the Great Hall to eat.

While the usual light conversations flowed around the table, Isla spoke with Elliot about his adventure traveling to the Sottish capital and his plans to one day visit England.

“England is truly as beautiful as they say,” Isla told him. “You should visit.”

After supper, Isla stayed with Moira in the healing room and made more tonic with her. By the time she retired to her chamber for the night, she was exhausted.

She could not find sleep, however, as she lay on her bed until dawn.

Their journey to Birlet Shallows started before first light. Jack, Isla, and a guard rode for a long distance until they passed the borders leading to Onich and continued until evening.

They were silent the entire journey. Jack was riding at her pace on his saddle with his gaze fixed ahead of him the entire night. Isla wondered if his heart was as heavy as hers.

When they reached Onich borders, Jack slowed his gallop until he came to a complete halt. “We rest here for tonight,” he said to her. “Tomorrow, we arrive at Birlet Shallows.”

She nodded as she looked at him, and he took the reins from her. Jack led her past the short fence to the cottage that lay in the middle of a wide expanse of land surrounded with lovely trees providing shade for them.

Jack had prepared for their journey. He had the kitchen pack them fruits and nuts for riding. Once they got into the cottage, Isla waited outside while the guard went into the tent to clean the dusty bedding.

She sat under a tree, lost in her thoughts until Jack returned and handed her some nuts.

“Will we have rabbit for supper today too?” she asked, remembering when they first met. Jack smiled at the memory, then sat beside her and shook his head.

“There’s dried meat packed for ye,” he said. “I ken ye willnae eat rabbit.”

He reached into the sporran attached to the waist of his kilt and offered her the dried meat wrapped in sack cloth.

“Thank you.” Isla chewed the meat while they sat in silence, and the guard walked around the cottage to make sure there was no threat around.

“All clear, My Laird,” the guard said when he returned.

Jack nodded and dismissed him, then gave Isla his attention again. “The fair is usually a great occasion,” Jack said after some time passed. “As a little lad, I used to attend with my parents. My faither, of course, met with village heads and Clansmen while my maither and I enjoyed the festivity. My favorite part of it was the pyromancer’s performance.”

“I loved watching those too,” Isla said with a smile. The vision she had seen when the gypsy touched her appeared in her memory and made her shiver.

Had she really been stabbed? Did she die at the fair?
