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“We have gathered here today to celebrate the life of our loved one. A true knight and a charming young man the Clan has ever seen—”

Isla’s head swooned a bit as she froze in a spot. Her breath hitched in her throat, she lifted a hand to cover her mouth and tears gathered in her eyes.

A funeral…the bile that rose in her throat matched the tension racking her insides as she wondered who had died.

Oh God…tears blurred her vision, and without thinking she began making her way through the crowd to get to the front where she could see what was happening.

The villagers surrounding her murmured as she forced her way through, parting the crowd with both outstretched hands. Her stomach felt rock hard, and her racing heartbeat caused pains in her chest.

“We celebrate the life of our very own. A true Humphrey… Elliot Lyons, brother, and son to our Clan. His name will forever live on our lips, and we will remember him for the rest of our days.”

Isla did not recognize the man speaking, but he was dressed in the Humphreys Clan colors, and she suspected he was an old, respected member of the council.

She gasped at the mention of Elliot’s name. Her eyes darted across everyone standing in front to Jack. She saw him even though he stood with his back to her, and his head bowed.

His shoulders looked smaller than ever, and her pain pierced at her heart as she took a step forward to rush to him.

A firm grip stopped her, and Isla spun around to see the gypsy standing behind her.

“If ye go to him now, then it all ends here… this is yer last chance to return, My Child. Ye must choose wisely.”

“He’s in pain… he needs me now more than ever,” she whispered, then turned to look at Jack again. When she glanced over her shoulder again, the gypsy no longer stood there.

Torn between her heart and her life, Isla withdrew into the crowd and let the tears stream down her cheeks without warning.

How did this happen? How did Elliot die?In that moment, she remembered his smile, and the lightness in his laugh each time they were together.

Isla knew Jack was devastated and the only thought that came to her mind was to comfort him, but she couldn’t do that.

She couldn’t process her thoughts properly as she hurried to her horse, so she could mount and continue her ride. Isla’s plan was to hide out in the Castle until night when she could sneak to the caves without anyone noticing.

But can I really leave now?as she rode away, she kept glancing over her shoulder to the distancing crowd.

Elliot was gone, and that meant Jack was in his darkest moments. She had only known Elliot for three months, but Jack had known him his entire life, and his pain would surmount any feeling he had ever had.

Isla could relate to this. She had felt the exact same way after her parents died years back.

I was all alone even though I was surrounded by people.

She knew the bleakness Jack would feel and she couldn’t just leave him like that…could she?


Jack’s entire attention was buried in the ale in front of him. His cousin and Jamie kept discussing the details of what would happen now that they had buried Elliot.

“The men will bury his ashes in the crypt and his memorial will be held on this day next year. The councilmen are suggestin’ that we tighten security around the Castle and shut it to all locals from the village. After the attempt on yer life we cannae risk anyone enterin’ the Castle,” Jamie was saying.

“Elliot’s death is indeed sad news, My Laird, but it is now more than ever that the Clan needs ye to—”

Jack slammed his quaich on his table and looked at both his men.

Jamie’s eyes fixed on his, and his cousin’s held compassion.Did they both understand what had just happened? Did they understand that he had lost his only surviving blood?

“Elliot was a good man,” he said. “He was kind and free… he cared very little for politics and the fights between clans. All he wanted was to defend the people, travel, and drink good wine, meet a lass he could marry and lead a small, happy life… he was a good man.”

Jack rose to his feet, tears blinded his vision, but they didn’t fall because he hardened his jaw and clenched his fist.

“My Laird,” Jamie began. “I understand… I am also hurt by what has happened. Elliot meant a lot to all of us.”
