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“Underneath the resort is where the coven has their own personal offices, nightclub, and apartments,” Desmond explained to Diana. “They have an underground barracks housing 200 soldiers, and that’s just their casino security–a fraction of their forces. An alliance with them could help us destroy Red.”

Diana nodded her head tersely, barely giving Desmond a glance. “Okay.”

“It’s really important that we impress them, so could you–” Desmond tried to engage her in conversation again, but she walked to the other side of the elevator and snuggled under Azazel’s arm.

Desmond sighed, switching his gaze to the fluorescent lighting above.I guess I’m not the only one she’s mad at?

Adingsounded through the elevator. The doors opened to a lavishly decorated, dark nightclub. Booming dance music filled the air, but that was the only typical thing about this club. Uplighting and strobes around the walls gave off enough light that I could see the plush couches, gold fixtures, and opulent geometric designs all over the walls. Although it was eclectic, everything seemed to work together.

A man with dark hair and a low man-bun intercepted us. He shook Desmond’s hand and led us back through a door to where the real party was happening. This room looked similar to the room we’d just left, but it had a stage in the middle where a male and female performer were burlesque dancing to sultry, teasing instrumental music. Usually I enjoyed displays like this, because they reminded me ofwhen I was still a warlock, but neither of the people on stage compared to Diana.

We arrived at a large, circular booth in the back where a vampire stood waiting for us. Peculiar didn’t begin to describe this man. Tall, solid, and with a sinewy build, he wore low-riding leather pants that highlighted his victory belt. His black mesh tank top showed off two pierced nipples and a medley of tattoos: fire and regular. The whole look was topped with a pink feather boa that would have looked ridiculous on anyone else. His chin-length, curly hair was swept away from his face in a devil-may-care way that made his jade green eyes noticeable in the low lighting. He seemed to be in his mid-thirties, although I knew better. To lead a thousand plus member coven, you had to be beyond ancient. Maybe it was his relaxed posture, or his gleeful facial expression, but the man was magnetic. He drew us in without even saying anything. His whole vibe made him seem like the second coming of rockstar Jesus.

“Ares, you big son of a bitch! Did my favorite friends bring me a snack?” he dramatically sang after kissing Ares and Desmond on each cheek. He eyed Diana, taking a deep sniff in her direction. His smile widened, showing off a set of white, pointed fangs. “She’s gorgeousandsmells delicious. Wherever did you find her?”

“Judas!” Ares said in a gruff voice as he hugged the man and playfully grabbed him by the throat. “This is Diana, and she’s at least four times spoken-for. You already missed the boat, bro.”

“Oh well, a vampire can dream, right? I’ll try not to reflect on my missed chance too much…” he trailed off, looking at us.

Diana cackled, drawing the attention of some of the vampires around the club. “Because vampires have no reflection! You’re hilarious.” Her smile was infectious, and it was working its charm on our host. “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Judas.”

“Andyou have a sense of humor. Gods, why didn’t I meet you first?” he jokingly lamented, wiping a fake tear away from his eye before he kissed the back of her hand. “The feeling is mutual, darling. How about we all sit and get to business before the night’s debauchery ensues.”

Bash, Ares–please don’t get jealous and cause a scene. We need this to go smoothly,Desmond mindlinked us.

Even though he didn’t include me, I tamped my own jealousy down. After introductions were made, we all took a seat. Bash purposely sat on the other side of Diana, on the outside of the booth. He moved her to his lap, and she rolled her eyes before getting comfortable.Dealing with Bash’s possessiveness must be second nature for her at this point.She glanced at me with an unreadable expression before returning her gaze to the conversation happening at the table.

“Everyone looks soserious. Did someone die?” Judas laughed.

“Not yet, but hopefully soon.Where to start,” Desmond said, rubbing his beard.

He recounted our entire ordeal to Judas from the beginning. By the time he was done, a server had dropped off an ice bucket with bottles of champagne and a tray of glasses. Ares poured us each a glass, passing them around the table. Diana sipped her drink, taking in the conversation around her. I could see the wheels in her mind turning.

“Well fuck me, Bobby McGee.Bravo, Diana. Even injuring Red takes a considerable amount of power. My sources told me about some sudden unrest downstairs, but I didn’t know my wildest dreams were coming true. You don’t even need to ask–how do I sign up? I want this fucker gone.” Judas leaned in, a wicked smirk on his face.

“That’s why we came here. You’re one of our closest friends, and we know you hate Red as much as we do. Taking him out keeps our girl safe and gives you a chance to take out the vampires’ public enemy number one. You can start to undo all the restrictions he put into place and help us pick a new leader.” Desmond knew exactly what spot to hit. Judas’ eyes went wide, and he practically beamed.

“I’m on board. How do I help?” he asked.

“We need Diana’s aunt and grandmother, but we feel it’s safer if they, along with Charlie, are housed here,” Bash said. “We don’t have the room at the current safehouse we’re staying at.”

“Done. There’s always plenty of room at Fortuna’s Garden. Make sure they register at the front and make their preferences known. If they’re comfortable with being bitten, they need to wear their bracelets,” Judas noted.

“And we need your forces when the time comes,” Azazel added. He’d been quiet since we left the house. “My sight shows that there will eventually be a battle, and we’ll need all the help we can get to take Red and his forces down.”

“Fuck, yeah. I can’t give you a number of troops yet before talking to the different factions within the coven, but I can confidently agree that most, if not all, of the coven will be on board.” Judas’ gaze panned to each of us, his fingers running through his goatee. “I do ask for one thing in return, though…”

“Shoot,” Desmond said.

“If we’re going to fight, I want my forces in tip-top shape. The combined power signature at this table, spare the human, is enough to make any vampire salivate…Diana especially. You smellintoxicatinglypowerful. I want to build a blood store before the battle so they’re at their peak.”

“No,” Bash snapped, tightening his hold around Diana’s waist. “I’m fine with donating, but Diana will not be participating.”

“Speak for yourself, Bash,” she sassed as she wriggled out of his hold and retook her seat next to me. “I’m more than capable of making my own decisions. As long as Judas is responsible with the collection process, I’m fine with it. I’d also want to see the facility beforehand and get a contract in writing, including how much blood is to be taken, for how long, and how it’s going to be used.”

“You, miss, are as smart as you are beautiful, with a personality to boot. I respect your agency to make decisions and will have a contract for you to look over within a few days. I’ll make one for each of you. Whether or not you give blood, Diana, I’m in.” Judas shook Diana and Desmond’s hands. Sparks flew from each handshake, which meant his word was magically bonded. He had to follow through.

“Thank you, I appreciate being treated like a person. Before they kidnapped me, I was studying to go to law school,” Diana said. That kicked off a whole conversation between her and Judas, who had been a man of the law during his human life.
