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Diana and Mal, so sorry to bust up your hate sex, but we need to go home. Someone breached our security wards on the house. We’re leaving Charlie with Judas’ second in command, August. We need to leave ASAP, Bash linked.

Diana shimmied off the vanity and grabbed a wad of toilet paper to clean herself up. She pulled her stockings back into place and smoothed her dress out. Without so much as a kiss or a pat on the back, she walked toward the door and unlocked it.

“See you in the hallway, Mal,” she said without even turning back.

Now I’m even more confused than before.

Chapter 11

I had no clue what the fuck had just happened between Mal and I.I wish there was a window down here so I cloud check to see if pigs were flying.And as pissed as I was at Bash, he did me a solid by busting it up before we had sex. That would have complicated my feelings for him so much more. Half the time I hated Mal for what he’d done, and the other half I respected him for trying so hard to make things right. I wiped myself off, pulled my stockings up, and rushed to the door without even checking my makeup. The longer I stayed in the bathroom with him, the more awkward it would be.I may literally look like a wax figure at Madame Tussauds after they turned the heat on and wouldn’t even know.

“See you in the hallway, Mal,” I blurted without even thanking him.Awkward.Eventually, I was going to have to face him, but hopefully not tonight.

Bash gripped my hand a little too firmly, pulling me through the hallway as Mal brought up the rear. When we got back to the table, everyone turned their heads to stare at me.

“Where did you go?” Ares asked accusingly. “I turned around, and you were gone.”

“Ummm…” I diverted my gaze, looking at one of the intricate patterned art pieces on the wall. I wasn’t sure if Judas was going for an eclectic look, but none of the art seemed to match. Despite that, the pieces coexisted brilliantly together.

“You don’t have to answer, Mal’s face gives you both away,” Ares snickered.

I turned to find burgundy lipstick all over Mal’s mouth and my entire face heated with embarrassment.Fuck on a bun, I seriously didn’t even check his face for makeup?

Desmond clapped his hands once, silencing Ares and breaking me out of my shame. “We don’t have time to playWho’s Diana Fucking.We have to go home, NOW!” he barked. “Everyone hold hands–Mal, port us home.”Um, rude.

The guys, myself, Judas, and two vampires I didn’t know slammed into the ground in front of the safehouse, and I screamed in fury. At least fifty reptilian shifters were swarming the grounds as they vandalized our home. They had smashed in the windows on the bottom floor, ripped the doors off their hinges, and set the shrubs on fire. They tried to pool their magic to get inside the house, but couldn’t bust through the protection wards to gain access. My magic crackled beneath my palms as I charged those fuckwits.

“DIANA, get back here where you’re safe,” Desmond shouted after me. Too bad, so sad. I couldn’t give a shit less about what he wanted. Guess I didn’t have time to playGuess What’s Up Desmond’s Assright now.

I was confused about what happened with Mal, angry that these scaly fucks kept popping up when we least expected it, and terrified that our location had been compromised. Emotional overload sent me into attack mode. I had never acted like a damsel in distress, and I wasn’t about to start now. The worst had already happened to me–I’d died.What can possibly compare to that?I picked up a splintered piece of wood from the front door and stabbed one of them through the heart. My next assailant got a fireball through its middle. It shrieked like a fucking ghost as its body was engulfed in flames.

“It’s BOO TIME BITCH! Let’s ghost these fuckers!” Ares yelled, taking out his pocket knife and flicking it open, revealing his bewitched battle spear.

“Hashtag Scary Spooky Time!” Judas shouted as he exploded into a colony of bats that descended on the shifters, scratching their eyes out and biting them on their necks, right in their carotid arteries. The wounds would make them bleed to death if we didn’t kill them first.

Azazel’s wings sprang from his back as his entire body glowed silver. Long horns sprouted from his head, curling out slightly.What the fuck? Is that part of his shifted form?His facial features started to get distorted, and he barely held onto his human form. He flew into the air, raining silver magic onto our enemies that struck them dead. I kept cooking these fucks into gator-tots with fireballs while Mal held my back, making sure none of them could attack me from behind.

I lost track of Bash in the pitch-blacksky, but could hear his wings beating against the air. Desmond wrestled a shifter to the ground and hogtied it for questioning. The two vampires faded away with it.

Eventually, we killed every last shifter. The property was littered with corpses and smeared with thick, inky black blood. The house had caught fire from the bushes, and everyone was trying to clean up or take stock of their injuries, except Judas and Ares…those two crazy fucks were using a shifter’s head as a hackey sack and having agrandtime.

“Watch this!” Judas exclaimed as he kicked the head with the inner sole of his foot, bouncing it to Ares with the top of his head. “Beat that A-Bomb!”

Ares’ body beamed, the familiar golden hue making him look like a beacon in the darkness of the night. He growled, taking the head in hand and serving it over the house like a volleyball. I heard it splash in the pool behind the house. “The land is dyed black with the blood of our enemies!”

For fuck’s sake those two are insane.

Azazel distracted me from their madness. He landed next to me to try showing me how to conjure water to douse the flames, but I was still wired from the fight, my body shaking with the drop in adrenaline. Something felt off still, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.Snap. I turned toward the house, in the direction of the noise and saw Oscar running outside the gaping front doorway at full speed while meowing like a lunatic.

“Hey kitty boy, what’s wrong?” I asked.

I heard anothersnapbehind me, and whipped around to find a shifter who had somehow hidden during the fighting. It lunged at me, and I barely dodged it in time. It came back toward me, swiping at me with yellowed claws, nearly gouging me. A warm hand clasped my shoulder.

“Diana, watch out!” Azazel yelled. I turned around again to see Oscar morphing into a ginormous, muscled-up, ginger-haired human. He wore a white t-shirt with black jeans, sans shoes. My jaw dropped to the floor as the stranger with familiar yellow eyes winked at me as he took my hand, and the entire scene around me swirled into darkness.

Within a few moments, I found myself in a strange room with cream walls, brightly colored furniture, and shelves full of books and strange paraphernalia. Weapons hung on the walls, and jars of body parts and strange ingredients were dispersed with some of the books throughout the shelving. One wall was completely covered in a tapestry with a knight that looked like he was from medieval times. The room gave me a comfy vibe, and if we’d arrived under different circumstances, I’d love to read one of the books.

The stranger stood beside me, gesturing to a turquoise chaise like he hadn’t kidnapped me. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me back into a hard chest. I jumped, turning my head and sighing in relief as I saw Azazel’s furious face.He must have touched me while we faded. Thank the stars he’s here.I could tell he was snarling.
