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“What the fuck is he doing over there? Raiding the fridge?” Ares huffed, pacing the room. For fuck’s sake, he was annoying sometimes.

“I would be,” Charlie deadpanned. “They keep the fridge stocked with some bomb-ass stuff. If we have time can we pack a basket, Di?”

“No, we’re getting in and out. I’m sure Nonna will make you whatever you want once she’s settled here,” Diana responded.

Ten more minutes passed before Bash checked in with me.

I had to wait. Some guy with platinum blond hair was at the house with Angela. He smells magical, but he’s low level. The way he left makes me think they left things on bad terms… She doesn’t look much better. I’ll be in shortly.

“Bash said some guy was at your house with your sister. He has platinum blond hair and seems to be in a bad mood. Is he a problem?” I asked her. I wanted to make sure this random guy wouldn’t be an issue for us later on.

“Ugh, that’s her douchebag ex, Cris. He’s a garbage human. Probably came back around after I died because she was vulnerable. He’s a cheater, stole from us, and lied to her. Fucking scumbag,” Diana twisted her face in disgust, her pouty lips curved downward.

“I’ll murder him for you both,” Ares stated plainly, like he was telling Diana about the weather. “If he bothers your sister, he bothers you, which means he doesn’t deserve to breathe. Do you want his head on a pike or his fingers and toes in a plastic bag? You could always use them as bait when fishing.”

“Because Diana fished all the time when she lived in the middle of Brooklyn,” Azazel deadpanned. Ares eyed him, then busted up with laughter.

“True, but there’s a first time for everything. You look like a mountain man; teach her to fish, Feathers,” he quipped.

Get in the circle everyone, it’s time.Bash linked me.

“It’s time,” I announced. “Let’s cross over in pairs so we don’t crowd it.”

Diana put her game face on, steeling herself for the task ahead.

Chapter 15

I took Diana’s hand as I led her to the circle. Despite the brave warrior’s face she wore for us, her whole body shook with nerves. Her boobs jiggled with the movement, and I couldn’t take my eyes off them. The little shit-stirring voice in my head took notice, too.

Mmmm, they’re so round. Juicy. They’d feel so good in your hands. Suck on them.

Olympus’ nutsack, this seriously wasn’t the time to think about sucking on Diana’s titties. Shut up, voice.I have to pay attention.

Mhm, but you can still think about fucking her…getting her pregnant. Tying her up with a pretty blood-red ribbon while you feast on her perfect pussy. Her clit, her folds, lick that pussy like its gold…

The voice inside my head needed to chill the fuck out and stop singing about Diana’s pussy.Take a chariot somewhere, ASAP, you filthy fuck. I had to focus so I could keep Diana safe. We stood right on the other side of the line, and she squeezed my hand.

“Are you ready?” I asked her, squeezing her hand back. “I’m sure your family has missed you.”

“I hope so, but they’ll probably hate me for lying to them,” she spoke, barely above a whisper.

“Little Goddess, I just met you, and barely made it a month without you. This is your family, who has known you your whole life. Iknowthey’ll understand, because it’s impossible not to.”

“You’re the sweetest, Ares. You always make me feel better.” She nuzzled her face into my arm and kissed my bicep.

Yeah, when I’m not thinking of tearing your pussy apart right before a serious mission.

The minute we crossed the chalk outline, we appeared in a bedroom lined with bookshelves. The cream walls with pops of color and flower decor gave the room a distinct feminine touch.This is Diana’s room.It felt weird to think of her living in this space without us. It felt like she had always lived with us–like she belonged with us.

Bash raised his finger to his mouth, motioning for us to stay silent.

They’re in the kitchen downstairs arguing over Angela’s douchebag ex,he linked me.

I saw Diana’s mouth widen, her face falling into a stern concentration as she used her super hearing to eavesdrop on what they were saying.Wait, can she and Bash mindlink?She turned her head to him, and they locked eyes without speaking a word. I felt super left out, and quite frankly, this was fucked up. I was obviously her favorite, so why couldn’t she link me?

You’re not her favorite. You’ll never be her favorite because you’re not good enough.

That fucking voice again. If I could, I’d rip it out and drown it in a fifth of vodka for good measure.
