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I came to when I felt strong arms pick me up and lower me into the tub. At some point I fell asleep, but my body felt fresh and slightly damp when I woke up. I was under fresh, dry sheets, snuggled close against a pale muscular chest. Ares’ chest hair scratched at my back, and his tattooed hand firmly grasped my boob. I wanted to know where Bash and Zaz went, but sleep took me over.

Chapter 22

I sat at the kitchen island, eating an inferior avocado toast that some twat half-assed. The poached egg on top was overcooked. The avocado mash wasn’t chunky or spicy enough, either.Sriracha never killed anyone, so why the fuck are people so afraid to use it in food!As soon as Red and Damon were dead and buried, I was going to personally pick Olga up myself and bring her home so I didn’t have to eat shit food anymore.

Az sauntered into the kitchen in a pair of plaid pajama pants, beelining it straight to the coffee pot and pouring himself a mug he grabbed off the open rack. After adding cream and sugar, he took a prolonged sip and exhaled, smiling to himself.

“Yes, Bash?” he asked me, taking another sip of coffee as he leaned against the Island. His abs were on display, and they seemed more toned since the last time we were together. “I could feel you staring at me from the moment I walked in.”

“You’re practically naked, so it’s difficult not to stare. Especially after last night.” I got up, moving around the island to stand in front of him. Crowding him against the counter, I inhaled his scent. Woodsy pine trees and something spicy. “I can smell the lust on you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you came out here in bare feet, no shirt, and these low-slung pants just to get a rise out of me,” I said as I slipped a finger under his waistband and pulled the elastic out, peeking down to find him semi-erect.

“Yes, that was my plan, to seduce you right here and now in the half hour Diana has before her training.” His sarcasm made me realize that seducing me was never part of his plan. “Did anyone wake her up yet? She’s already late if she’s still in bed.”

“We just got in from Judas’ quarters. He woke us up in the middle of the night because he got some good intel from his cousin on Damon. He and his team are already working on a plan,” I summarized. “Desmond will probably fill everyone else in over dinner.”

“Oh, that’s why you were gone when I woke up,” he realized. “I thought you went to sleep with Diana. I tried to after you left, but Desmond and Ares barely fit in bed with her. There was no chance for me to cram myself in there.”

“Yeah, especially the way Ares practically barnacles himself to her. It’s like he’s trying to crush her ribs,” I joked.

“Desmond isn’t much better. His thighs feel like a lead weight if he ends up swinging one over you. Good luck escaping that.” He looked at the clock on the wall, then kicked off the counter and smirked at me. “Well, fuck it, we’re already late. Let’s see what she’s up to.”

“Someone is feelingunholytoday,” I teased him. “So bad…we’re gonna be late!”

“Keep your shit up, and you’re never getting inside my ass again. Dick, tail or otherwise,” he jokingly threatened.“I have no issue topping you.”

The thought of either option made my blood rush south.I can be versatile.

We walked to her room and stood outside her door. I didn’t need superhearing to know that she wasn’t alone. I could smell her and Mal’s pheromones. I knew they had made up, and Ares told me all about their shower threesome, but I didn’t expect them to be at the point where they were fucking first thing in the morning. I went to turn the doorknob, but it was locked. My magic could unlock it, but before I could try Mal linked me.

We’re occupied right now,he said.

Yeah, I’m a bit tied up right now, so you two will have to come by another time,Diana added.

Well, if I wasn’t wanted, I wouldn’t bother. I stomped off, going to my and Az’s room to get dressed. He followed me, enveloping me in a hug from behind. He rested his head on my shoulder.

“I’m proud of you for giving them the space they asked for, even if it hurt your feelings,” Az commended me.

I flitted through the clothes in my closet, settling on jeans and a t-shirt. I wasn’t in the mood for a suit in such hot weather. This place was fucking unnaturally hot for the winter. If I wanted to sweat like a ballsack in December I would have visited Hell for the holidays.

“I’m fine,” I scoffed. I was not going to get mushy about my feelings.

“Bullshit. I can sense your hostility and deflated pride. I know how possessive you can be, especially since she bears your mark. You walking away is a big deal,” he said as he rubbed my stomach.

“I just didn’t expect not to be invited…” I admitted. “I don’t mind sharing her, even though it goes against my nature. I like what we all have, but sometimes I have to check that urge to be completely possessive and claim her just for me. I want to lock her in her room and tie her to the bed so I know where she is at all times. Fuck, the other day I told her I wanted to tie her elbows to her knees so I could have her holes at the ready… I could feed whenever I wanted…”

“That’s some dark shit, although it does sound hot if it’s consensual,” Az commented.

“Yeah, especially if we get Desmond to tie the rope with all those intricate shibari knots. She could be a rope bunny,” I daydreamed. He slid my sweatpants down so they hit the floor, and palmed my cock. I grunted as he smeared my precum over my shaft.

“More like a ropetiger. She’s really come into her own since y’all abducted her,” he whispered. His tongue ran along the shell of my ear, inching down to my neck. “You’ve changed, too, and I like it.”

I stopped him, turning to face him. I held his hand when he reached for my cock again. “Unless you want our first time since reuniting to be a quickie, I’d stop teasing me like that. I want us to have enough time to devour each other and savor the experience.” He was right.Who the fuck was I, and where did the real Sebastian Black go?

“Wow,” Az exaggerated, not in an insulted way, but in shock. “Youhavechanged. I’d like that, though. I want to take my time with you, too.”

Az and I got dressed, and met up with everyone but Mal and Diana in the kitchen. I could still hear Mal pounding into her, and judging by the erection threatening to rip the crotch of Ares’ pants in half, so could he.

“You better not come in my ass yet, Mal. Don’t you even think about it. Keep my holes stuffed. Your tail is so thick,”she cried out. “You’re fuckingmine, and I’m never letting you go.”
