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“If this works, we still need to pause and figure out our next move. I don’t want to act on impulse,” Desmond said.

At this point, I nodded just to get him to shut up. Something deep in my gut was telling me to find Lucifer, that he needed me. Time seemed to be of the essence, and I couldfeelthe clock ticking the seconds away.

“How do you want to work this?” Oisín asked me. “Witches typically use spells, whereas angels chant in Latin.”

“What do Druids do?” I was curious about how they channeled magic, but never had a chance to ask him about it.

“If we were outside, I’d suggest drawing from the elements, but a mix of chanting and drawing from the energy in the room should work. That may be a good move, considering the combined power signature in here,” he suggested. “We all radiate some big magical energy, especially Michael.”

“Okay…” I had no clue how to get this to work. I barely understood my own magic. But casting spells… good luck.

“Dollface, close your eyes, and feel the energy in the room with your heart. Channel it, like you were picking it up with your mind, and bend it to your will,” Desmond instructed me, squeezing my hand.

“Yeah, as far as the spell goes, you can do it. They don’thaveto rhyme like Desmond’s did. That’s an old school thing from the Renaissance period he’s used to because of how ancient he is,” Mal encouraged me.

“Unblock Michael’s soulbond, reveal Lucifer’s place. Transport us to him, so we’re face to face,” I said. It was the best thing I could come up with on short notice.

As we all chanted the words, I closed my eyes and concentrated on opening myself up, trying my hardest to feel the magic in the room. A hot, bold magic clashed with my own. It was familiar, but different…ancient-feeling, powerful. I knew it was Oisín’s, so I merged with it, trusting my instincts to carry me through. Our combined power made it easier to collect the others’ magic and act as a conduit. The sheer power coursing through me felt like I was about to tear apart–I could barely hold onto it. I envisioned a wall between my fathers, directing all of the magic to crash through it. After a few tries, I heard aBOOMand saw the bricks crumbling through the air. Ifeltthe dust fall on my skin. It was surreal. The magic receded from me, returning to its original holders.

I opened my eyes, and everyone stared at me in astonishment.

“Something definitely happened. I felt it,” Ares said. “Little Goddess, I think you undid the impossible…”

“Michael, try to sense him. Where is he?”

We all stared at Michael with a mixture of confused and anxious expressions, waiting for him to say something. Several long seconds passed, and I was on edge waiting for him to reply.

“He’s…at his house? He’s at his house in LA…” Michael said in a disbelieving tone. “I can’t believe that fucker is hiding from me at hishouse!”

“Dad wouldn’t do that, Michael; he would confront you,” Oisín said. “Something about that seems off…”

“Yeah, well I want to confronthim,” Michael huffed in an annoyed tone.

This was my chance. People made impulsive decisions when they were caught in their emotions. I had to convince him to use his soulbond to teleport us to Lucifer.

“Then let's do it. Let’s go find him, and you can figure out whether or not you need to confront him,” I said.

“Diana, no. We need to sit back and take everything in. Make a plan.” Desmond looked at me like I was insane.

“We may not have time for that,” I argued. “Time is running out. You said it yourself, Red is biding his time. Damon is searching for me. He’s going to figure out where we are, eventually. Desmond, something inside me is telling me that we’re right on the edge…something is coming. I want both my dads with me when it happens.”

“I have the same feeling…it’s like an omen. My visions have been getting darker recently, too,” Zaz added. If Zaz’s feelings matched my own, I felt even more justified in wanting to take immediate action.

Dragging my gaze over everyone in the room, I asked, “Anyone with me?” I put my hand out, like we were huddling in some kind of sportsball match or whatever.

Michael, Oisín, Zaz, and Ares immediately put their hands in. I wasn’t surprised by that. What surprised me was that Mal didn’t.

“Mal…” I coaxed him.

“No Diana. I want to give you everything, but not at the expense of your safety. I think Desmond is right. We need to take at least a night to brainstorm and go in with a plan.”

“Okay, then. We go without you three,” I decided.

“Oh, the fuck you will!” Bash yelled. “Diana, if you go anywhere, you’re in for it.” His eyes turned black and thick black veins spidered from his temples.

Michael’s face turned stone cold, and he aimed his wrathful stare at Bash. He was shorter and smaller than my incubus, but he was scary enough that Bash took a step back.

“You sound like her other father when you speak to her that way, and I don’t appreciate it. Watch your tone,” he said in an eerily calm voice.
