Page 47 of Let It Snow

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Amanda pressed a kiss to Snow’s temple. “It’s okay, Snow. I was really freaked out at first, as I didn’t know how I would come up with the money, but I have it sorted.”

“You do?”

“I do. That’s the other thing I wanted to give you—some good news, if you’ll accept. You see, I’ve been approached by a big company that saw the photos you took of me. They want me to be in this commercial they’re doing, and they’re willing to pay handsomely. Added to what I’ve earned from the Christmas cards this season, it’ll be enough to pay Nicole off.”

“That’s great!” Snow gripped Amanda’s hands tightly in hers. She knew how much Amanda loved her Christmas tree farm and was more than relieved that Amanda had found a way out of selling it.

“There’s more. I told them yes, but only if I could pick the photographer. I told them I want you, and they agreed.”

Snow felt her mouth pop open. “But—but I’ve never shot a commercial before. Why would they agree to that?”

“I told them how brilliant you are and showed them some of the other photos you have taken. They agreed that if you’re willing to do a quick course on video photography, which they will provide, they’re happy for you to do the shoot.”

Snow couldn’t believe it. This was more than she had ever hoped for in her career. This was… It was just incredible.

She threw her arms around Amanda, hugging her tightly.

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes, of course it’s a yes, you wonderful woman! I can’t believe it…”

“You’d better believe it, because it’ll be a reality in just a few weeks. I’ll tell them today that you said yes.”

“Come over tomorrow,” Snow said impulsively. “For Christmas dinner with my mom, Bluebell and me.”

Amanda beamed at her. “I’d love to.” She leaned forward to kiss Snow, but hesitated, glancing at Bluebell.

“It’s okay.” Snow put a hand on Amanda’s cheek, drawing Amanda’s gaze back to her. “Bluebell understands that adults who love each other kiss sometimes. Don’t you, honey?”

Bluebell made a face. “I still say it’s gross.”

“Look away, then, because I’m going to kiss Amanda now.”

Bluebell turned back to her doll and Snow kissed Amanda gently. They kissed for several minutes, a slow exploration of each other’s lips and mouths. If Bluebell wasn’t here, the kiss probably would have turned heated, but as it was, they remained on a low simmer.

When they finally broke apart, they were both flushed and grinning widely.

Snow couldn’t believe that just this morning, she had woken up feeling hopeless and unbearably sad. Now, she was so happy that she was sure she must be glowing from pure joy. With Amanda back in her life, everything was right with the world.


Three years later

Christmas was cold that year.Snow didn’t mind. It just gave her an excuse to cuddle up closer to Amanda.

She yawned as she woke, pulling the blankets up higher around her chin, pressing her face into Amanda’s shoulder.

Amanda stirred at the movement. “Good morning, Snow.”

“Good morning, Amanda.” Snow grinned and kissed her wife slowly, teasingly. Amanda’s sleepy eyes became less sleepy as she returned the kiss.

“Merry Christmas,” Snow murmured between kisses.

“The merriest,” Amanda breathed back.

“You say that every year.”

“That’s because every year with you is better than the last.”
