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Leticia shook her head. “I think you’ll have to give me another dare because I don’t want you to stop.” She leaned forward then and nibbled on his lower lip, and as she pulled him closer to her, he began to massage her most sensitive spot. Slowly, he caressed her over and over, painstakingly making the effort to move at a glacial pace. He massaged her womanhood, allowing the soft fabric to provide a barrier between his touch and her skin. She moaned loudly then, and he increased the pressure ever so slightly, letting the gentle noises she was making be his guide.

She tipped her head back, and as she did, she broke their kiss, but he did not sway in his desire to bring her pleasure. He began planting soft kisses along her neckline, listening as her breathing grew heavier, and she began to pant. “Leticia—” he whispered her name, this time taking the time to enunciate each syllable, and as he did, she cried out in ecstasy. Gently, he took his fingers away from her as he knew she would now be feeling tender. For a long moment, he nuzzled against her neck and smooched at the soft hollow underneath her throat. She made a quiet whimpering sound. Then, her eyes, which had been closed while she enjoyed reaching her climax, sprang open.

She looked at him, and he could see the question there. “What? What is it?”

“I never asked you to stop,” she purred. Spurred on by her willingness and the aching in his loins, Richard swiveled his head, glancing around the chamber until he spotted a chair near the corner, tucked under the writing desk.

“Would you like to continue?” he challenged.

“More than anything,” she replied, giving him a satisfied smile. He walked across the chamber and grabbed hold of the chair. He brought it out from underneath the desk and positioned it near the center of the chamber.

“Come—” he instructed. He sat down in the seat at once and beckoned to her. “Sit.”

She gave him an inquiring look. “I don’t understand.”

He glanced around the chamber, trying to think of a way to explain to Leticia exactly what he wanted to do with her, but the only thing that came to mind was horseracing. He held out his hands to her, and when she took them, he pulled her onto his lap.

Richard groaned as his manhood throbbed against the thin material of his trousers. He ached to set it free but held back. “I’m your wild stallion. You’re my diligent trainer. Tame me.”

She tugged on his hair, pulling his head back, and now, it was Leticia who was placing hot kisses all along his neckline. As she thrust against him time and again, and his own pleasure heightened, but he could hear the way she was enjoying the experience too. She arched her back and sat up straight, rocking her hips so quickly that he had to place his hands on her waist so that they might begin to move in rhythm with one another.

As she breathed and gave a feathery laugh, he knew that she had climaxed once again, and he felt a burst of happiness pulse through every fiber of his being.

“Leticia,” he moaned, drinking in the feeling of euphoria as he reached his own release. Then, she rocked forward one more time and collapsed in his arms.

He kissed her forehead and the tip of her nose. “I don’t think I told you to stop yet,” she whispered. Her head was buried against his chest, but he could feel the warm glow that surely meant she was smiling emanating from her.

Leticia…so beautiful…so powerful…so insatiable.

“I’m afraid I must take a short break,” he whispered as he shifted his weight so that he could drape his arms underneath her frame. With a heave, he stood. His legs wobbled underneath him, not just because he was holding Leticia to his chest, but because he had thoroughly exhausted himself.

“And then we can do that again?” she asked as he carried her to the bed and laid her down gently.

“If you like,” he murmured. He lifted the covers and crawled in next to her, moving right up behind her so that he might still feel her warmth beside him.

“And does this mean I’m no longer a virgin? Am I now a wanton woman?”

Richard chuckled. Leticia turned so that he could see her. Lazily, he traced a finger across her cheeks, stopping so he could touch the tip of her nose. He inhaled deeply, sucking in a bit of her sultry breath.

“Not exactly.” He yawned as a quote fromHamletcame to mind. “On your wedding day, you will no longer be as pure as ice or as chaste as snow, but should your husband ask if you have ever given yourself to another man, you can respond by saying you have not.”

“But—” Through his sleepy haze, he could see the confusion in Leticia’s expression. “I just felt…and you just did—” She gestured lamely toward the front of his trousers.

“Yes—” He yawned broadly. He snuggled further into his pillow, allowing his eyes to rest on Leticia’s lovely face. He felt so relaxed and comforted by her presence that his eyelids began to droop. “I’ll tell you this, my dear. I’m glad that we had tonight. I’m glad it was me who got to love you first because—”


“Have you seen Leticia?” Richard had just shut the door to the chamber behind him when he heard Harry ask this question.

He turned toward his friend and answered honestly, “Not this morning.” For when he had awakened just a few minutes before, Leticia was nowhere in sight. He could still smell the scent of her on him, and it lingered on the pillows as well. She had vanished in a spritely way, and while it bothered him a little as he thought she specifically requested they repeat the act with one another again this morning, he tried to brush aside his disappointment as this was Leticia’s way. She was infatuated with something one minute, but in the next, she had already moved right along.

Harry huffed mightily and glared at Richard. “Not at all or not this morning?” Richard shook his head and strode purposefully down the hall toward his chamber, hoping he could avoid answering this direct question by posing one of his own.

“Do you know if the staff have had the chance to clean my chamber yet? Colonel Fluffington did a number on it last night, and I would rather like to get in there and change my clothes without having to deal with cat hair all over the place.”

“How should I know about your chamber?” Harry grumped. “I’ve already been down to breakfast, and when Leticia never showed up there, I decided to go searching for her. I’ve got enough troubles without worrying about your tendencies to dislike Colonel Fluffington.”

Richard swung open the door to his chamber and noticed immediately how the fresh morning air filtered inside the chamber. All the windows had been left open, and as he walked into the chamber, he didn’t spy a trace of cat hair. “Very good,” he murmured. Then he turned back toward Harry. “Did you say Leticia didn’t make it down to breakfast? I do wonder what could have become of her.”

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