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“I don’t know,” Leticia stalled. “I cannot just disappear. What would my aunt say?”

“You won’t be disappearing,” Eliza replied. “We’ll send a note to Pearl House. You will need to ask someone to pack your things and send them to London. And you will likely want your Mrs. Phillips to join you there. Feel free to drop in a line or two for your aunt.” She winked. “I’m sure she won’t mind at all.”

“And Richard?” Leticia whispered.

“He thinks you are unpredictable, yes?” Eliza asked, and Leticia begrudgingly nodded. At that, Eliza’s smile spread even wider. “I see no reason to start contradicting the Duke now.”

* * *

Dear Richard,

As you know, I have returned to London. With this letter, I wish to formally cancel the arrangement that existed between us. I do wish you every happiness in the future and look forward to one day greeting with open arms the woman who will be able to call herself the Duchess of Braxton.

Sincerely yours,


He read the letter through twice. It was so abrupt—nothing at all like the sort of missive he had received from Leticia in the past. Whenever he went away to school or during those months when he traveled the Continent, Leticia sent him letters. They were always full of stories and anecdotes as she wanted him to know and share in the riotous good times she was having back at home without him. But this letter…it was so pointed, and the cold clarity of the situation was spelled out so perfectly, there could be no mistaking the matter.

Days before, he had been in the drawing room with Harry when his mother entered. They socialized for a while, but just as his nerves reached their breaking point, and he stood to excuse himself so he might scamper about in search of Leticia, the door to the drawing room had swung open. The butler entered, carrying a small note on a silver tray. It was addressed to Lady Pearl, and as she scanned the contents of the missive quickly, her eyes widened in distress. She announced that Leticia had left for London with Mr. and Mrs. Hoffingbrooke. Immediately, both Harry and Richard got to their feet, but their mothers urged them to steady on and give Leticia her space.

Discontent with the matter, Richard rode out for Braxton Manor the next morning only to find Harry hot on his trail. Since then, Harry had practically disappeared, saying he needed to find Mr. and Mrs. Hoffingbrooke’s residence at once, but Richard stayed at his Estate, attempting and failing to busy himself. Now, holding this note in his hand in which Leticia matter-of-factly put an end to their courtship, Richard felt the sting of her rejection keenly.

He closed his eyes and pictured the myriad moments they’d spent together over the last six weeks. From their first kiss at the church to falling asleep inhaling her sweet breath the night before she disappeared, Richard felt his senses begin to ache as he longed to see her again. He crumpled the letter and threw it toward the fireplace, missing abysmally, but letting it lay as he just didn’t have the energy to pick it up and toss it aside once more.

Our courtship is complete…what will become of me now?

* * *

“It is such a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Hudson,” Eliza enthused. Leticia was sitting near her friend in the drawing room of the townhouse she and her husband rented, and she looked up in alarm when she heard Harry be announced.

“Cousin,” she said, stirring from the couch where she had been sitting as she stared out the window at the rain-covered streets. “You came.”

“I did,” Harry whispered as he took both Leticia’s hands in his own and kissed the tips lightly. “I thought you might need me by your side.”

“So thoughtful,” Leticia murmured. “Mrs. Hoffingbrooke and I were just about to ring for tea. Would you care to join us?”

“If I will not be an imposition to the hostess—” Harry said, tipping his head to the side, so he could smile genially at Eliza.

“You’re never an unwelcome guest, Mr. Hudson. You know that.”

Harry grinned and Leticia felt the infectiousness of his smile. She had not allowed herself more than one moment of happiness since she had left Pearl House, but now that Harry was here, she suddenly felt her old self again. “Well then,” Harry began, “you must tell me everything the two of you have done since returning to London. I imagine there have been lavish parties and at least two nights at the theatre.”

Leticia laughed. “We’ve only been in town a few days. We couldn’t possibly have done so much in so little time.”

Harry opened his eyes wide as if he were utterly astonished by such a pronouncement. “Two lovely ladies like you? I wouldn’t dare put anything past you.”

Eliza tittered, and Leticia patted her hand on her cousin’s forearm. “While we haven’t done much—” she began but cut herself short when the butler entered the room.

“For Lady Leticia,” he intoned in a well-polished monotone voice, bowing stiffly and presenting her with a small white envelope.

“Excuse me,” Leticia said, rising at once to take the letter. She looked at the scribbling on the outside but did not recognize the hand. Then, she flipped it over and saw the seal of the House of Braxton. Her breath caught in her throat. “Forgive me, but I must excuse myself for a moment.”

“Are you unwell?” Harry asked, but Leticia shook him off as she fled from the room. She was so overcome, just seeing that red wax seal, that she had to physically force herself to take deep breaths.

This is what you were waiting for.

Leticia hated to admit it, even to herself, but she had been hoping to receive a letter from Richard. She prayed that everything she overheard him saying to Harry had only been part of a larger misunderstanding, and once she heard from him, they could put all this messiness behind them and move on with their lives.

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