Page 8 of When You Kiss Me

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Her—the—cowboy chauffeur nodded toward her grandmother. “Good morning. I’m told you’re heading into town for a workout.”

“Don’t shake his hand, Grandma,” Violet said in a cool voice. “You might end up somewhere else entirely.”

“But you’d enjoy it.” That grin. He had no trouble keeping it up.

Grandma Dotty blinked at Violet. “You know him?”

“In passing.” Vi sniffed.

“It’s fate.” The chauffeuring cowboy placed a hand over his heart. “What must be, must be.”

“And now you’re quoting Romeo and Juliet?” Violet tried to keep up the charade that he was annoying, but…be still my heart.Shakespeare’s words had crossed those perfect lips of his twice in as many days.

“Shakespeare? He’s just your type, Vi.” Grandma Dotty applauded. “Not to mention, he’s easy to look at and punctual.”

Vi rolled her eyes. “Don’t encourage him.”

“Vi?” Shakespeare’s dark eyebrows rose. “Short for…”

“Violet.” Grandma Dotty climbed in the back and scooted across to make room for Vi.

“Violet?” Shakespeare scoffed. “She’s no shrinking flower. She’s too vivid. She’s a…a…a…Vivi. That’s double the intensity of a violet.” The way he said it, with such certainty, was like a proclamation.

Violet sat next to her grandmother, staring up at the charmer holding her car door and trying hard not to fall under his spell. “Nicknames can only be given by friends or family.”

The implication being he was neither.

“But we should be friends. I’m…” He hesitated, looking disappointed for some reason. His fingers clenched on the car door. “I’m Chuck, friend to Vivi and her grandmother.”

His name is Chuck?

Heroes were never named Chuck. Nor did Chucks spout Shakespeare.

“I’m Dot to-the-E, professional hip hop dancer to be. Dotty Summer.” Grandma Dotty was loving this. She grinned from ear-to-ear. “Make sure we ride to the right kind of tunes to get ready for hip hop cardio, Chuck.”

Violet groaned.

“Guaranteed.” Shakespeare—not Chuck,never Chuck—closed the car door and strode around the front of the car to get in. “Hip hop cardio, here we come.”

Violet rubbed a hand over her forehead. “Just what I need. An enabler.”

“Enabler?” Shakespeare tsked. “I make women happy.”

“I bet you do,” Vi said, heavy on the sarcasm. “Sweeping them off their feet and galloping into the sunset.”

“And if I’m lucky, stopping for a kiss.” Chuck’s gaze caught hers, such a clear brown.

Violet’s breath caught. Those eyes… Those cheekbones… He had a full head of hair with a small cowlick at his crown. Straight white teeth. Lips with a tendency to smile. And kiss. Those lips would definitely do a lot of great kissing.

Violet caught herself before she spent time dwelling upon his hands. “Geez, I should have had coffee this morning.” Maybe then she wouldn’t be fantasizing about kissing a guy who already took too many liberties.

He took no liberties with his core workout.

Those abs were amazing. They’d been firm as she’d gripped his waist on that horseback ride.

Violet caught herself again.

I am above this.
