Page 165 of Hollywood Humbug

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Ryder and Charity were cuddled close on one of the leather couches, talking to Jackson and Hailey. I’d laughed hard when I heard about Ryder dressing up like an elf–it was hard to picture the gruff former SEAL in a silly costume. But clearly, ithad worked because Charity’s joyful gaze flickered between her fiancé’s face and the ring on her finger.

The couple was talking with Jackson and Hailey. Those two had been through so much, and I’d been determined to make sure they found the spirit of Christmas this year. Since they were moving in together, I made a mental note to send them a housewarming gift. I would wait until next year, though…a ten foot Christmas tree was the ideal thing for the happy couple.

I spotted Andrew kissing Maxine under the mistletoe before raising her left hand and kissing the antique gold ring she was wearing. She was going to be an amazing doctor. Although I was sad to see them leaving Hollywood for Texas, I knew they’d be happy.

Scarlett called Andrew’s name as she and Kane strolled over to them. I snickered at her flushed cheeks and wild hair. No prizes for guessing what she and Kane had been up to before the party. They were a beautiful couple. Their evident love for each other gave them an unparalleled chemistry, and would make themtheHollywood couple. I’d already contacted their agents, and they’d signed on for my next two movies. They’d been extremely happy about sticking together as the leading lady and man.

Scarlett gave Maxine a hug and they admired each other’s rings, while the men clapped each other on the back in true “manly” fashion.

Julianna poked me in the side and pointed across the room to where Luca was standing with Audrey. I chuckled when I saw him check his watch impatiently before practically undressing his fiancée with his eyes. I wouldn’t be the least surprised to hear they’d run off to Vegas soon.

My gaze drifted to the refreshment table where Landon and Grace were staring at each other with the same googly eyes as all the other couples. They were in much the same state as Kaneand Scarlet. Obviously, there’d been quite a bit of “pre-party activities” tonight.

Not that I was one to judge. Julianna was wearing the second dress she’d picked out because I’d torn the first one. I grinned and thought about my plans to rip the other one to ring in the new year.

Kaiden caught my eye as he led Laura over to take a seat in the nook where Ryder, Charity, Jackson, and Hailey were hanging out. I had to smile when I thought about how overprotective he was going to be with his pregnant wife-to-be. However, Laura would no doubt keep him in line. They balanced each other perfectly.

Abel and Scout were lingering a few feet away, talking with some crew members, but their eyes kept returning to each other. They’d flown back from visiting with her parents in Chicago for the party, giving me the opportunity to gloat about how I’d rigged the lottery so they ended up working together.

The other couples who’d been on my Christmas humbug list eventually made their way over to the same area. Along with several other members of the cast and crew. My chest puffed up a little when I saw all the happy faces.

“That look on your face worries me,” Julianna whispered.

“Hmm?” I glanced at her with a raised eyebrow and mischievous smile. “What look?”

“The one that says you’re already planning more Hollywood humbug shenanigans for next year.”

The band struck up a rendition of Bing Crosby’s “Let’s Start the New Year Right,” and couples took to the dance floor, melting into each other’s arms as the last minute of the current year ticked down.

I smiled at Julianna as I stood and linked my hand with hers. “Come on, wife. Let’s take Bing’s advice.”

She laughed as I tugged her to the dance floor and wrapped her up against me. She looped her arms around my neck as we swayed to the music, her eyes so full of love, it made my knees weak.


The band leader took the mic and began the countdown.


“I love you, Mr. Saint,” Julianna whispered, her fingers smoothing the hair at my nape.


“I love you, too, Mrs. Saint,” I murmured, cupping her face and tilting it to mine.

I didn’t hear the final count, or the cheers of “Happy New Year.” I was too busy kissing my wife, and thanking the spirit of Christmases past, present, and future for bringing her into my life.
