Page 12 of A Christmas Kiss

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Three months later…

“You know, you can get in trouble with the boss for that.”

Maddox grinned, his lips exploring his wife’s soft throat. “I’ll take my chances.”

Emma sighed, wishing she could wipe everything from her desk and pull her husband on top of her to assuage the fire he’d started. The fire that always burned just below the surface.

True to his promise, they’d been married on Christmas day, just eight short days after they’d spent the night at his apartment. Emma had never asked how he’d pulled off such an elaborate event on such short notice. She’d been too happy to know that Maddox was hers for the rest of their lives.

“Maddox, I have an idea.”

“Yeah,” his tongue laved her ear. “Me too,” he whispered erotically.

“No,” Emma shivered, pushing lightly against his broad shoulders, “I really want to discuss my idea for a new line.”

Maddox leaned back with a sigh, his hand smoothing a soft strand of hair behind the shell-like ear he’d just nibbled. His erection pulsed against his fly. “Okay, I’m listening. What’s your idea? Sexy aprons? Spatulas that double as sex toys?” His brows wiggled.

“Baby clothes.”

Emma held her breath, watching as Maddox stilled, his mouth parting silently. “Baby…”

“A whole line,” Emma nodded, a soft smile playing about her lips. “From newborn to toddler.”

Maddox swallowed. “Newborn?”

She took his hand and placed it on her stomach. “We could have the whole line up and running by the time our baby makes his appearance.”

“His? You’re giving me a son?”

“I think so, but we won’t know for sure just yet.” She watched Maddox’s face change from shock to pure wonder. She’d waited to tell him she was pregnant until she was absolutely certain. Thankfully, she wasn’t suffering from morning sickness, so it had been easy to keep her secret to herself. She’d seen the doctor yesterday, and the first ultrasound was scheduled next week. Then, they would know for sure, but she just had a feeling they were having a boy. Their night together had resulted in many firsts for both of them. Their first child, a son, would arrive in time to celebrate his parents’ second Christmas together. Emma hadn’t thought anything could top last Christmas. The tiny life inside of her proved her wrong.

“Oh God, Emma,” Maddox pulled his wife into his arms, a dopey look in his eyes. “I didn’t think I could possibly be any happier.”

“We could work on your idea, too,” she whispered provocatively, the same dopey look on her face. “It sounds really, really sexy.”

“Now that’s a plan I can get on board with,” he answered huskily, bending to take her lips in a kiss filled with promise.
