Page 69 of Dark Intentions

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Three months later...

Allison tapped lightly on her husband’s half-open study door, smiling when he looked up from the crime scene photos spread upon the desk in front of him. “Do you have a minute?” She tried not to interrupt him when he was immersed in his work, but she didn’t think she could keep her news to herself a moment longer.

“I always have time for you.” He pushed the photos away and leaned back in his chair, stretching his legs out in front of him with a bit of a wince.

In the months since he’d been injured, he’d made remarkable progress. He sometimes used a cane, especially around the house—they’d ended up keeping the one in Belgravia—but he’d been walking for weeks now. Perhaps he’d always have a slight limp, and she knew how frustrated it made him every time it limited him in any way, but he was learning to adjust.

She crossed the room, rounded his desk, and rested against the edge so that she stood directly in front of him, her hips bracketed by his strong thighs. She let her fingertips trail over the stack of photos next to her hand but was careful not to look at them. “Did you have a nice visit with Inspector Ness?”

After much discussion, Quinn had decided to resign from his position with the London Metropolitan Police. He’d recommended that Sebastian Ness be promoted in his place, and Commissioner Blackstone had agreed, provided that Quinn sometimes consult upon the most difficult cases, including Polly and Daisy’s murders, which still remained unsolved.

“It was good to see him, though I don’t suppose nice is the word I’d use for our visit,” Quinn said with a humorless laugh. “That bastard has murdered a fifth victim, and Sebastian is taking it hard.”

Allison shuddered at the thought of yet another life lost to that madman. “I’m sure you’re taking it hard as well.”

He nodded and leaned forward, burying his face against her chest as she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. In the two months since their wedding, she’d learned so much about the exceptional man she’d married. She knew that despite his stoic demeanor, every time this monster struck, he felt as though it was his fault for not having caught him in the beginning, even though he’d had nothing but a few photos to go on.

“Ness has a theory... But there’s no proof, and if he’s right....” With a sigh, Quinn pulled slightly away and slid a sketch across the smooth surface of the desk. “There’s no way we’ll get this bastard to trial.”

Allison gasped. She recognized the man, and her husband was correct. No judge in the land would ever rule against him. “Oh, Quinn, I’m so sorry.”

Quinn gestured around at all the pictures, sketches, statements, and theories he’d taped up all along the walls behind him. “If there’s a way, we’ll find it. No matter how long it takes.”

“I have full confidence in you,” she assured him. And despite all the odds against him, she really did believe that somehow he’d find a way.

He drew her down for a sweet, tender kiss, then shook his head. “Enough about all of this. How was your day?”

She smiled, glad to change the topic, though she’d have talked about his work with him all day if he’d wanted. “Fiona and I finalized the purchase of Hope House.”

“I’m so proud of you,” he told her earnestly, the pride in his gaze making her feel as though she could move mountains. “I can’t wait to see what the residents of Hope House can accomplish.”

During those long weeks when he’d been confined to bed, they’d talked a lot about when they wanted to do with Roger’s money, and once Quinn had become accustomed to the thought, he’d had some really great ideas, including the kernel of what had become Hope House. He’d asked her what happened to the children of Brookhaven once they were old enough to leave, and she’d become enthralled with the idea of helping them transition into the workplace since they had no families and nowhere to go. Fiona and Morgan had also loved the idea, and now the four of them were making it a reality.

Between the work Quinn still did with the police department, all their plans for the future, and how busy she kept him teaching her things in the bedroom, she thought he was very content with his new life.

She carefully sat on his good leg, wrapping her arms around his neck and staring into those gorgeous emerald eyes that never failed to take her breath away. “I made another stop this afternoon. I’ve been having some issues I wanted to speak to a doctor about.”

“I didn’t know you weren’t feeling well,” he said, frowning. “Why didn’t you say something?”

“I’m not sick, Quinn.” She bit her lip, trying to contain her smile. “I’m pregnant.”

Just a few short months ago, the news would have terrified her, but Quinn had given her strength, courage, and so much love it only seemed right that they share it with a child. She no longer worried that she’d be the kind of mother hers had been. She’d learned that her ability to love was infinite.

For a long moment, he didn’t say anything, just stared at her in stunned disbelief.

“Why do you look so surprised?” she asked him with a nervous laugh. “You’re the one who told me where babies come from, and we’ve certainly been doing a lot of practicing.”

He chuckled, his surprise giving way to an expression of such love and tenderness it brought the sting of happy tears to her eyes. “Not surprised,” he assured her. “Just so happy and excited I feel my heart might burst.”

“Good,” she whispered, leaning forward and pressing her lips to his forehead. “So am I.”

Standing, she took his hand, guiding him away from all the pictures of death. The killer still needed to be stopped, and hungry children still needed to be rescued. But there would always be murderers and hungry children. Those things could wait.

Today they were celebrating life and love.


