Page 38 of Dark Desires

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Chapter Fourteen

Heather spent the dayrelaxing and visiting with Jocelyn and Allison, just as she’d done a hundred times before, but it all felt off. Her time with Drake had given her a new confidence, a yearning to have a deeper relationship with these women whom she loved so much, even though she could never truly be one of them. If she accepted Drake’s proposal, could the two of them somehow find a place with their friends?

Jocelyn’s son, a toddler named Oliver, tumbled about upon the floor with his new puppy, keeping them all amused with his antics, and Heather noticed that Allison’s hand repeatedly went to her belly, as though she was thinking about her own child. Heather swallowed and covertly placed her hand on her own stomach, wondering if she and Allison might be pregnant at the same time. If she was Drake’s wife, then perhaps her child could actually play with Allison and Jocelyn’s as an equal.

My sister.

She found herself gazing at Allison’s profile for the millionth time, desperately trying to find something in Allison’s features that was reminiscent of her own. She’d kept her parentage a secret all these years, but suddenly, she had to know. Had her mother been lying? Had Allison known all along but just chosen not to acknowledge it?

“Are you my sister?” she suddenly blurted, and the words were so harsh and shrill they hurt her own ears.

Both Jocelyn and Allison froze, teacups halfway to their mouths, staring at her as though she’d sprouted wings. Heat spread through Heather’s body like she’d swallowed lava.

Unfortunately, it was too late to back down now. The words were out there, and she couldn’t take them back.

“What?” Allison finally asked, her lovely brow crinkling in confusion.

Heather swallowed, realizing that Allison didn’t know. Of course, she didn’t. Heather knew her well enough to know that she’d never let her own sister work as her servant. She’d always known that, so why was she letting her mind play tricks on her now? Why hadn’t she kept her mouth shut? She was going to ruin everything.

“Which one of us were you talking to?” Jocelyn asked gently, leaning over and placing her hand on Heather’s as if to give her support.

Heather glanced at Jocelyn gratefully but then met Allison’s lovely blue gaze. “When I was trapped with Blackstone, he asked me how I came to work for you, and I told him the story that my mother told me. It just made me start wondering if you knew. If you’ve known all along.”

“What story?” Allison asked carefully. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Heather.”

There was still time to stop, to blame her outburst on the kidnapping, but Allison’s eyes were so gentle and confused that Heather knew she had to go on. She took a deep breath, wondering what she’d do if Allison turned her out now the way her mother had once done Heather’s. She didn’t know that she’d blame her. Who wanted a reminder of their father’s sins brushing their hair each night?.

“When she was dying, my mother told me to go to your mother and ask her to take me in. She said that even though she’d been kicked out without reference, your mother owed me. Because I was your father’s child.” Tears stung Heather’s eyes as she told the sorry tale.

Allison gasped, pressing her hand to her chest, her eyes wide with shock.

Jocelyn squeezed Heather’s hand once more and then stood. “I’ll leave the two of you to sort this out,” she murmured, gathering up Oliver and hurrying from the room to give them privacy.

Heather winced, wondering why she’d done this in front of Jocelyn to begin with. But she honestly hadn’t been thinking at all. The words had flown out of their own volition.

“You’re my... sister?” Allison said at last, her own eyes brimming with tears. “Oh, Heather! Of course, I didn’t know. Of course not! But I’ve always wanted a sister, and I felt an affinity for you from the first day we met. This explains so much!”

Laughing and crying at the same time, Allison stood and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug. “I love you, Heather. Nothing could make me happier than knowing that you’re my sister.”

“You’re not angry?” Heather whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I was so afraid you’d be angry.”

Allison pulled back and gave her a chiding glance. “I could never be angry to find out such wonderful news. The only person I’m angry with is my father for taking advantage of your mother. And my mother.... Well, this is yet one more thing she needs to answer for,” she added darkly. Allison’s mother had done many terrible things to her children, and Allison did not have a good relationship with her.

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