Page 11 of Christmas Deal

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And thank you, Lord, the sex is ah-mazing.

What more could a guy want?

“You look like a man lost in thought,” Romeo says, arriving at the trailhead for our morning hike.

“Or a man in love?” I ask.

Romeo sighs. “In love, eh? Is she going to stick around this time? Because I remember how devastated you were when she left.”

“I’m going to try my best to make her stay. I’m planning to give her Mom’s ring at the block party tonight.” As the eldest, I inherited Mom’s engagement ring when she died.

“I can’t pretend like you haven’t been happier this week than I’ve ever seen you,” Romeo says. “And after waiting for years for Sierra to come back to me, I know how it feels to suddenly have the woman of your dreams back in your life.”

I stare at my brother’s profile. Romeo is closest to my age, but the reason I told him about my proposal plans before anyone else is because I knew he’d get it. Like Carly, Sierra left Mercury Ridge without a backward glance—or so we’d thought.

Theo and Hamlet have both fallen head over heels for wonderful women, too, but they didn’t reunite with long-lost loves like Romeo and me.

“Will you be my best man?” I ask.

“You know you don’t even have to ask, brother.”



Walkinghand-in-handwithWilliamdown Main Street, I’ve never felt happier. It feels almost too good to be true.

The small town of Mercury Ridge sure knows how to dress up for the holidays. There’s a massive Christmas tree set up in the middle of the town square, lit with thousands of twinkle lights, and hundreds of shiny ornaments. The light posts and street signs have all been twined with garland. And every store front is adorned with a big, red bow or a Christmas wreath.

Street vendors have set up, selling local crafts, hand-painted Christmas ornaments, and yummy foods. And a band plays on a stage next to the big Christmas tree.

It’s like a scene from a Hallmark movie.

I could live here. Iwantto live here.

The fortune in my cookie had been right:Your answer waits in the mountains.

I thought William had been the answer, but it was more than that.

He’ll be the perfect husband, and goodness knows I couldn’t ask for a better man to father a child for me.

But I’ve fallen back in love with Mercury Ridge, too. The town is lovely, and so are the people. It’s the perfect place to raise a child.

Even William’s dogs are growing on me. I’ve never been a fan of dogs, but I’ve been forcing myself to spend at least an hour a day with them on the porch. I’ve even petted their tummies with my feet—but that’s as far as it goes, for now.

But I believe William when he says they’re harmless, and I know it’s probably good for kids to grow up with dogs. If I’d had one—or any pet at all—maybe I wouldn’t be so afraid of them. It’s ridiculous that I can run a multi-million dollar company but scramble up a tree at the sight of a couple of dogs.

William pulls me over to a hot chocolate station. Pouring me a mug, he waits patiently while I roll up a coat sleeve to free a hand. Since I hadn’t packed warm clothes, I had to borrow a wool peacoat from William. It fits well—except for the sleeves, which are several inches too long.

Yesterday, William brought home a gift for me: a knitted hat with matching gloves and scarf from a local knitter. They’re so warm and cozy. And the gift felt so…loving.William’s never said the words, not even when we were teens, but they hang in the air, unsaid.

I’ll bring up the marriage pact eventually. For now, it’s enough to be out in public with this wonderful man by my side. I’m the luckiest girl in the world.

“Oh!” he exclaims, “there’s my brother, Theo. Let’s go say, ‘hello.’”

Theo was still a kid when William am I were last together. Now, he’s tall, strong, and kissing a very pregnant blonde on the cheek.

The woman has walked away before we approach. “Where’s Holly off to?” William asks after the brothers embrace.
