Page 9 of The Beauty

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I stopped reading. I didn’t want to know any more about him. I groaned. Why did I seem destined not to be able to escape that world?

I closed the browser and pulled up my calendar for the week. A few shifts on the patrol and a few annual check-ups for people trying to use up their flexible spending accounts before the end of the year. I hoped for nothing more than the common cold this week. Then again, the holiday skiers did tend to bring more broken bones, sprained wrists, and twisted ankles, so I might be busier than I wanted to be.

When I’d taken this job, it was supposed to be for a few months while the local family practitioner went on an around-the-world cruise with his wife of forty years. After they disembarked in New Zealand, he sent an email to the board tendering his resignation. And here I am.

I thought about Margo and sent a text off to Thomas,Did Margo gethome?

While I waited for a response, I stared at the red circle on my voicemail box icon. “You can’t avoid talking to me,” it seemed to say.

Todd whined and lifted his head from my feet. His ears perked and he stared out the window. A moment later, headlights shone on the driveway. Whimpering with excitement, Todd trotted down the stairs. I followed.

A car door slammed and heavy boots tread up the steps. I opened the door to Thomas. “Hey, everything ok?”

He hunched his shoulders from the cold. “Yeah. I’m good. I just wanted to make sure you got home ok. Can I come in?”

I opened the door wider so he could step inside. “Of course. I just sent you a text. How was Margo?”

“Drunk. But I got her home safely.”

“I was going to go to bed soon, but I can light the fire if you want to stay for a bit.”

He stepped into the center of the room and turned again to leave. “I should go.”

I shook my head in confusion. I hadn’t even let go of the doorknob before I had to swing it open again. “Oh. Ok.”

He stopped in front of me, looking a bit flustered. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He turned and left before I could respond that he probably wouldn’t. But it didn’t seem like something that needed to be corrected. Careful not to slip on the steps, he held the railing and was gone before I could figure out what had just happened.

Todd sat patiently waiting for me, ears perked. “That was weird, don’t you think? Yeah, me too.” He tilted his head as if equally confused. “Want to go for a walk?”

His tail wagged as I put on my coat and boots and took him outside, not venturing too far because the temperature was below freezing. I was ready to burrow under my down comforter for a good sleep.

When Todd and I returned, my phone was blinking again. I sighed.

I readied myself for bed. Propping two pillows up behind me, I pulled the comforter up to my waist and put the phone on my lap. I settled myself and played the voicemails.

“Elizabeth, it’s your mother. There’s still time to come home for Christmas. You haven’t been home in three years. We miss you. You’re going to need to get over this. Sulking does not suit you. Elizabeth? Can you hear me?”

I rolled my eyes. Would she never understand that she wasn’t talking to an answering machine?

“Elizabeth! I want you home for Christmas. This is your mother. Please call me.”

I had a half second before the next messaged played. This one was spoken in a softer, kinder tone.

“Elizabeth, sweetie, you may not have heard, what with you being so far away, but…” she paused. “Sweetie, Amanda is getting married in May.”

My chest constricted. My stomach clenched. I took a deep breath. “Oh, my God.” Anguish consumed me. I couldn’t even cry. I couldn’t breathe. Why won’t this just go away? My vision blurred.

Then the tears came, wracking and heart-wrenching. My mom’s voice droned on. I could barely pick out pieces.

“I wish you would talk to her.”

“She will want you there.”

“She loves you.”

“I know you love her.”

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