Page 19 of Breaking Free

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I slide into the bedroom where Knox is still sleeping. Knox is stirring, and I smile. I sit next to her and put my fingers through her hair. “Hey, sleepyhead.”

Knox’s blue eyes flash open, and she looks around the room confused.

“It’s okay, Rosie. We’re at your dad’s.”

“Are you okay?” she asks me, probably noticing my streaked cheeks and glossy eyes. It’s hard for me to hide when I’ve been crying. If my swollen nose and eyelids don’t give it away, my nasally sounding voice will.

“I’m fine.” I smile. I love the tiny freckles that run along her cheek bones. “Are you ready to meet your daddy?”

Knox sits up in the bed. “Does he have another little girl?” She's still observing the room. J.R. did a great job decorating her room. It doesn’t surprise me, though. He’s never done anything halfway.

“Nope. He did all of this just for you.”

Knox smiles. “Let’s go meet him.”

“Okay.” I smooth her hair down and take her hand in mine, and together, we make our way outside to the dock.

J.R.’s waiting for her there. He planned to take her out on the boat, show her the island from the sea, and then take her to A.J. 's Diner for dinner. A.J.’s was our favorite spot on the island for food. It sits right on the marsh, and you can drive right up to a dock with your boat like it’s a car in the parking lot. Island life at its finest.

When I tell Knox of J.R. 's plan for them on the boat, she asks if I’m coming, too. I wasn’t invited, but I think they should have the time together, anyway. There’s years of catching up to do between them.

“You’ll be okay without me. Your daddy is the best person in the world. You’ll have fun.”

“What will you do?” I make note of the apprehension in her voice. She’s a bit more social than me, but she’s also still very much a child and one who has not been away from me much, aside from sleepovers at Kelley’s every now and then.

“Maybe I’ll call Aunt Kelley. Or take a nap.” A nap sounds good.

J.R. is standing at the end of the dock, leaning against the wood railing. He’s pulled his hair into a low ponytail, and he’s wearing a short-sleeved, blue shirt over khaki shorts. His Ray-Bans are perched on top of his head, and he’s barefoot. He has boat shoes, but he keeps them tucked away in the boat when not in use.

“That’s him! I recognize him from your picture,” Knox says enthusiastically, but also quietly, as we approach.

“Yep.” I smile, but my heart is pounding. Knox’s grip grows tighter around my hand, too. I can only imagine how she must be feeling in this moment.

J.R. meets us. He’s nervous again. I can tell, but I don’t think Knox will know. He squats down to make himself eye-level with her.

“You must be Knox Rose. I recognize you from your picture. You are the spitting image of your mom.”

“Mama always tells me that I look like you.” Knox’s voice is soft and sweet, but also unsure and a little shaky. Her fingers are wrapped around the cuff of her shorts, and she tugs at them nervously.

“You are much better looking than me.” J.R. winks at her. “You’re beautiful.” He glances up at me. “Like your mom.”

I blush slightly, a tiny smile breaking across my face. “Do you have a lifejacket for her? I don’t want her on the boat without one.” I’m trying to avoid the muddled mess that I am internally by inquiring about a lifejacket. I am finally an adult, and yet I can’t seem to function in complicated, adult situations.

“I have a life jacket, special, just for Knox.”

We walk toward the boat. J.R. steps on; grabs a pretty, teal-colored life jacket; and presents it to Knox proudly.

“Teal is my favorite color.” Knox beams.

I smile, understanding now why J.R. had called me in the middle of the night to ask what Knox’s favorite color was.

“It’s mine, too, but don’t tell anyone.” He slides the jacket around her body, adjusting the straps and tightening the belt to ensure a perfect fit.

“Mama isn’t coming with us,” Knox says, as though she’s breaking the news to J.R.

“She’s not?” J.R. looks at me, a little confused. He didn’t invite me, and I wasn’t going to invite myself. I’ve had Knox all to myself for the last few years.

“I just… I’ll be fine here. Thought it would be good for you two to have some time to yourselves. Get to know each other.”
