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“There’s no unrequited love.” I sound grouchy about it, which makes me feel grouchy about it.

She smiles wider. “But someone you’re interested in? Someone you haven’t taken out yet?”

I give her a stern look, but her expression doesn’t waver. “I suppose there is someone.”

“I knew it,” she crows. “Who?”

Twin reactions of relief and slight deflation ripple through me. She clearly has no interest in me for herself, which is excellent, but does she have to make it so obvious? I frown slightly. I don’t enjoy being a paradox. Not a foolish one, anyway.

“Come on, you can tell me. I can help you figure out how to land her.”

“Land her? Is she a fish?”

“I don’t know,” she says. “You won’t tell me anything.”

“We’re veering close to a hellish Abbott and Costello routine.”


I’m about to answer her when I spot her smirk. “Ha. Funny.”

She shrugs as if to say,Obviously.

“There’s a woman at work. Leigh.”

She holds up her hands in the international sign for “A . . . ?” “A custodian? Another professor? A secretary? Thedean? I need details.”

“Another professor. We share an office.”

She leans so far forward, I’m not sure how she hasn’t tumbled from her seat. “Oooh, this sounds good. Tell me about her.”

“She teaches psychology.”

“Is she pretty?”

I shoot her a quelling look. “Does that matter?”

“It doesn’tnotmatter.” She snorts when I glower. “Don’t deny it. Is she?”

A long pause, but she shows no signs of getting bored. “Yes. She’s pretty.”

“Yes! Now we’re getting somewhere. When are you taking her out?”

“It’s not that simple.”

“It’s exactly that simple,” she argues. “Why haven’t you gone on a date yet?”

“We share an office. It would be awkward if we don’t mesh.”

“Is that what kids these days call it?”

“Paige . . .”

She grins. “How long have you been sharing an office? Shouldn’t you know by now if you click?”

“Just this semester so far. She’s new.”

“So almost three full months. That’s plenty of time to know if you vibe. Do you get along?”
