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We turn to see Henry standing in his driveway where it borders our yard. His appearance sends my heart racing in a way I can’t chalk up to being startled. It would be so much easier if I could.

“Hey, Mr. Henry,” Evie says.

“I like the picture you left for me this morning.”

“I decorated the trees special.”

“I noticed. I was really impressed.”

“But did they make you happy?”

The simple question makes me want to gather and squeeze her. She’s not trying to impress anyone; she’s trying to make people happy. Why do grownups always forget this lesson?

“They did,” Henry says. “Very happy. What are you up to this evening?”

“Early bedtime for this one,” I say. “She’s still tired from her flu. We were just going to talk about our Christmas light display.”

“We were?” Evie asks.

“About that,” says Henry. “Could I speak with you for a minute, Paige?”

I frown at him even though I know he can’t make out my expression in the dim light. “Sure. Let me get Evie inside for a bath.”

When she’s in the tub, the lights in the house giving warm light, I step out on the unlit porch.

“I brought you something.” His voice is a tad hoarse, like he’s nervous. He hands me a sheaf of papers, but it’s too dark to read them.

“Sorry, I can’t see, and I don’t want to”—I drop my voice so Evie doesn’t hear—“turn the lights on because of the petition.”

“If you turn them on, you’ll see that it’s all right.”


“Trust me.”

I sigh and crack open the front door, reaching inside to flip the porch light. It brings every bulb on the lawn and house to life. Henry only smiles, and I shoot him a questioning look before looking down at the papers.

It’s another petition.

“Henry, I don’t—”

“Just read it, Paige.” His voice is patient but with a note of almost giddiness in it. “Giddy” is not a Henry preset, and my curiosity overtakes my tiredness.

“We, the homeowners of Orchard Street—ugh.” I stop reading. “These words don’t lead anywhere good.”

“Keep going. Trust me,” he repeats.

I do, but silently, not wanting to hear the hateful words aloud.

We, the homeowners of Orchard Street, accept the proposal of the owner of 341 Orchard to turn your light display into a charitable effort. We further accept your amended hours in the spirit of compromise.

On Monday through Thursday, only lights on the house will be lit. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, the full display will be on between dusk and 9 PM. Signs placed at the streets intersecting Orchard will encourage a donation of canned goods or cash for the Presbyterian Food Pantry to benefit less fortunate Creekville families during this holiday season.

Due to the high interest from the surrounding community in your display as currently constituted, we do not require a revision as it seems to appeal to the many visitors to Orchard.

We do ask that you please update your invitation on the community page to reflect the new donation request and hours for the full display.

