Page 18 of Basic Instinct

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They’d played together exclusively over the past two years since they arrived on Elysium, but Craig had never seen Colt this spaced out after a foursome before. Yeah, the guy was just as far gone over Kimika as he was.

Kimi started as he deftly rubbed the cloth over her poor, abused back hole, knowing she would be feeling it after this first time, especially.

He stroked his free hand down the smooth plains of her back. “Shh… it’s okay, I’m just taking care of you,” he crooned.

Craig went to refresh the cloth, then peeled Kimika off of Shay’s chest, where she’d collapsed in an exhausted heap.

He pressed another warm cloth to her pouting pussy lips while Shay eased himself off the futon to dispose of the condom that was still wrapped around his junk. Kimi sighed in appreciation and made him feel ten feet tall. He enjoyed the intimacy of aftercare almost as much as sex itself.

Craig couldn’t help himself. He crawled onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Kimi, pulling her close and flipping a cozy subby blanket over them so she didn’t catch cold. They hadn’t discussed the future, he, Colt, and Shay, but Craig knew what he wanted, and he’d be willing to bet his friends felt the same. They hadn’t played together for almost two years without knowing each other’s tells.

The scene with Kimika hadn’t been any run of the mill play date. He didn’t doubt that they had felt the difference too.

Snuggled against his broad chest, tracing the definition of his musculature with her fingers, Kimi sighed and it worried Craig that it sounded almost sad.

Before he could ask what was wrong, though, Colt and Shay returned with bottles of water for the four of them to rehydrate, and a small bar of chocolate to help Kimika regain her energy and blood sugar levels.

They piled onto the bed, feeding her little squares of candy, and encouraging her to drink, and Craig didn’t think anything could be more perfect as they all lazed, sated and satisfied in the aftermath of their pleasure.

Until, that was, Kimika tried to struggle free.

“Where are you going?” Craig asked with a frown as she looked around for her clothes.

She wouldn’t look at them; just shrugged and grabbed up her outfit.

“Kimika!” Colt’s authoritative voice had the punch of a bullet. Clearly he was no more pleased than Craig that Kimi seemed to be preparing to leave.

She jumped at the demand, her big brown eyes wide, as she clutched her clothing to her chest.

Kimi was clearly flustered. Like things weren’t happening the way she expected. “I - I… Well, I assumed you’d want to continue with your evening, so I was just… getting out of your way,” she said, dully.

Shay, the most introspective of all of them, looked subdued, but he turned earnest eyes on her. “So, you’re leaving. Is that what you want?”

She looked back at him with helpless, pleading eyes. “Isn’t that what’s supposed to happen?”

Shay sprung up off the bed, taking her hands, so her belongings fell to the floor. Craig followed closely behind, as did Colt, but he left the talking to Shay who was by far the most eloquent of the three.

“What’s supposed to happen is anything we decide, and I, for one, do not want our time to end.”

“Me neither,” Craig agreed.

“That makes three of us,” added Colt.

“Wasn’t tonight special to you Kimi?” Shay asked softly.

“Of course it was,” she confessed, biting her lips like she thought she shouldn’t admit such a thing. “But I have nothing to compare it to, so…”

Craig reached out and tentatively touched her face. “It was special to us, too, sweetheart.”

Colt reached out and fingered a silky lock of her hair. “This wasn’t just any scene,” he admitted, along with the rest of them.

“And we do have plenty to compare it to,” Shay whispered, tipping his forehead to hers.

Kimi frowned, her nose scrunching adorably. “What… what does that mean?”

“It means we want more than just this scene, this night with you,” Colt told her.

“It means we want to explore exactly where this relationship might go,” Shay added.
