Page 7 of Basic Instinct

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Colt, himself, could come over as a little bit brooding and intense… another hazard of the job. It made Shay a great foil for Colt’s far more serious nature.

“Not if we do it right. Treat her with the care she needs,” Craig remarked, pinching his bottom lips as he followed her with his eyes. “We just need to make sure it’s what she wants.”

Craig might be the baby of the three of them at twenty-nine, but he had a good head on his shoulders.

Colt nodded. “Every step of the way. She’s timid and a little too eager to please from what I’ve seen. We need to be completely certain Kimika isn’t stepping outside her comfort zone just to keep us happy.”

The other two nodded. “Consent, every step of the way,” Shay agreed.

“Better not leave it too long.” Craig tipped his head towards where Kimika and Janae were venturing deeper into the dungeon. They stopped to look at a few scenes, and Janae was clearly explaining the set up, but plenty of eyes were following the two of them. Fresh meat always whetted the taste buds, and though most of the island's employees were decent people, Colt had a feeling Kimika would be easily overwhelmed by the mass of attention.

Did that mean they were no better than the rest of the Dom’s giving her the eye?

Maybe. But at least they had her best interests at heart, and enough of an understanding of her character that they’d take care of her properly.

Colt sighed. “She doesn’t even realize what a stir she’s causing.”

Shay inclined his head in agreement. “You’re right. She’s oblivious. She hasn’t even noticed that she has an entourage, waiting to pounce as soon as she gives them the opportunity.”

Craig slapped both Colt and Shay on the shoulders, the power of motion pushing each of them a step forward. “Looks like we’d better make sure we’re there to fend off all those advances then,” he said decisively, marching through the crowd and leaving them to follow.


Kimika mentally checked off each of the scenes that interested her, and also made a mental note to avoid those where she didn’t want to end up at the wrong time or place.

Beside her Janae was as good as humming with restless energy, and Kimi knew her friend was keen to get her own night underway, but was loath to leave Kimi on her own since everything was new to her.

“You don’t need to babysit me,” she finally said. “I know you want to put yourself out there, and I’ll be okay now I understand how everything works.”

Janae bit her lip in indecision. “Are you sure? I don’t want to abandon you.”

“Honestly, I’ll be perfectly fine,” Kimi reassured Janae with a confidence that was still rather shaky, but her friend didn’t need to know that. “I’m just going to wander around and watch some of the scenes. How much trouble can I get into doing that?”

Janae didn’t look wholly convinced, and while Kimika appreciated her friend's concern, she didn’t want to spoil Janae’s night by forcing her to be a wallflower. “Besides, you said yourself, nothing happens without consent, so what is there to worry about?”

That assertion seemed to tip the scale, and the other girl gave a bright smile which Kimika suspected was tinged with a certain amount of relief.

Janae scrunched up her nose adorably. “Well, if you’re sure…”

“I’m positive. Now go and get your freak on,” Kimika replied with a shooing motion.

“Okay, well there are dungeon monitors everywhere. They’re the guys with the fluorescent armbands. If you have any problems at all, just find one of them - if they don’t find you first.”

Janae still looked unsure, and Kimi almost expected her to change her mind, but at that same moment a guy she recognized from the maintenance department, with arms like tree trunks tapped Janae on the shoulder and her whole demeanor altered in a split second.

Kimi hid a smile behind her information leaflet and took a couple of steps back to give them privacy, quickly consulted the sheet before checking to see which stations were in use, then boldly took off for one she wanted to watch before Janae could protest.

Before she got to where she was heading, though, another scene caught her eye… and caught her breath.

A menage… no, Kimi thought, they didn’t call it a menage because there were too many people, but she couldn’t bring to mind the correct title.

It didn’t matter, the scene still stopped her in her tracks.

Three men and one woman.

She recognized them, of course. The guys, Mitch, Jed, and Sawyer were popular faces around the island. Mitch had helped her out with things a number of times.

Kimika had always known they played together, that had never been a secret, and Kimi would be lying if she said she’d never had a few fantasies of her own when it came to these guys. The idea of being worshiped by three men at once was a heady one.
