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“The wonders of modern technology,” Jed said with a wink. “As soon as I input your order, someone over at the bar is getting it ready, so all I need to do is pick it up.”

“And you have enough staff that they’re able to do that straight away without a wait?” she marveled. This was, without a doubt, the best service she’d ever received. She wondered if it was just a case that money talked. She was in the penthouse, after all. They probably had some preconceived ideas about her worth.

Jed shrugged. “The company doesn't believe in either keeping our patrons waiting or working their employees to the bone.”

Beth was reminded of her conversation with Jasmine. Maybe she really should see if this place had any vacancies. For real and not just as a throwaway thought.

Whether it came naturally, or because she was on her own, Jed was an absolute star. He made sure to check on her often and stopped to chat whenever he did so. Certainly far more than he did for those tables with couples or groups. Beth appreciated it. It stopped her from feeling alone and left out.

“What time does your shift end?” she asked when he brought her dessert. She’d taken her time with her meal, enjoying the night and the atmosphere, rather than rushing through it in an attempt to get back to her room, just because she was on her own. Now the last few diners were making their way on to more interesting entertainment and Beth found she didn’t want the evening to end.

Jed looked at his watch, then checked out the situation in the dining room. “Officially I’m off at eleven pm,” he told her. “But in reality, I finish when the last guest leaves. Sometimes that’s later, but tonight it looks like it will be earlier.”

Beth plucked up her courage for what she was about to do, mentally preparing to be shot down. “Perhaps I could buy you a drink when you’re done?” she asked, trying to add the necessary nonchalance to her voice. “You’ve been really attentive this evening and it’s stopped me feeling like the only lone diner.”

“It’s all part of the service, Beth.”

The words might have been delivered with that sexy smile of his, but they were a stark reminder that he was just doing his job.

She pasted on a smile of her own and fought down the burst of embarrassment that was tinged with disappointment. Of course, a good-looking guy like Jed had better things to do. He probably had a girlfriend waiting for him. “Of course,” she replied with careful neutrality. She dropped her gaze from his handsome face and looked around for her purse so she could excuse herself before things got awkward.

“But I’d love to join you for a drink, if you’re sure I’m not keeping you from something more exciting.”

The reply didn’t register straight away. Then the words sank in, and she stilled and flipped her eyes back to him.

You would?The words, the surprise, were in her head but she managed not to say them out loud. “Great,” she said, instead. “I’ll sit and enjoy the view until you finish.”

Jed gave a single nod. “I’ll be as quick as I can,” he said. Then he turned and hurried off as if he couldn’t wait and Beth’s eyes widened at his eagerness.

Did that really just happen?

Maybe tonight wasn’t going to be such a washout after all.
