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She was ready to go way before she needed to be. There were still two hours to go before it was time to meet up with her poly-partners for the night.

Beth sat on the balcony of her penthouse suite looking out over the stunning view of the palm tree dotted bay, the turquoise sea, and the sun which was starting to paint vibrant splashes of color across the cerulean canvas of the sky.

It was just a little after six pm and she made a concerted effort to relax and allowed the glorious landscape to calm her. You didn’t get to enjoy sunsets like this from a cramped New York apartment block.

But the sunsets here were unusually brief. Fifteen minutes from start to finish, then night was upon you, so when she checked her watch the next time there was still ninety minutes to wait.

Perhaps she should do some of that waiting at Iniquity. Immerse herself in the atmosphere and the people and hopefully take some of the edge off her nerves. If she was lucky, she might get a prior meeting with her partners for the evening. Surely they’d be equally interested in hooking up before their scheduled scene time after whatever occurrence had befallen them yesterday to keep them away.

Comfortable with her decision, she set off downstairs and headed for the club in the hotel’s basement.

Beth was secure enough in her own skin for it not to bother her to enter the club alone. Or visit the bar, or walk around the floor and check out the scenes. Sure, it was nice to have a companion, but she wasn’t normally the type to avoid doing something simply because she was alone. Except for eating, and that had as much to do with her lingering psychological hang-ups about her weight. No one could be strong all of the time.

After signing in at the functional, nondescript reception, she pushed confidently through the heavy double doors to the club proper, her head held high, and self-assurance in her stride. It was quiet this early in the evening, but she didn’t mind that. There were still plenty of patrons who had taken the opportunity to scene early while the stations were free. And it was nice to be able to enjoy the place without the noise and the crowd which would reach its peak later on. It all had its place.

She headed to the bar first, deciding to get herself a drink while she walked around, as much to give herself something to do with her nervous hands as to quench her suddenly dry throat.

“What can I get you this evening?” The dark-haired, serious looking bartender asked the moment she approached.

“I’ll have a sparkling mineral water with ice and lime please,” she replied, throwing a bright smile his way.

His lips only tipped up a little bit at the sides and anyone who wasn’t taking as much notice as Beth, might have thought he was grumpy, but his dark-chocolate-colored eyes had a soft twinkle and they smiled even when his mouth didn’t.

His movements were spare and efficient and a moment later he placed a tall glass in front of her. It was garnished with a twist of lime on its rim, as well the piece that was bobbing in the fizzy liquid, and she appreciated the stainless steel eco straw with a slight bend in the top. She picked it up immediately and took a deep sip, grateful to ease her parched throat.

The bartender gave her an amused look, one side of his mouth tipping up as well as the corresponding eyebrow. “Thirsty?” he asked in a deep, husky voice which stroked her senses and somehow managed to make his words sound suggestive, even though she was pretty sure it wasn’t intentional.

Beth just nodded, her cheeks going pink. It was probably just her own dirty mind which interpreted things as suggestive.

He turned to ring it up on his register and Beth couldn’t help eyeing up what was a near perfect ass, which reminded her of Jed. Nicely shaped glutes encased in perfect butt hugging black denim.

She licked her lips as she stared. She’d never considered herself to be an ass girl before, but maybe she needed to re-evaluate that. Of course, he chose that precise moment to look back over his shoulder and catch her.


His dark eyes crinkled at the edges, silently laughing, even though he kept a perfectly straight face and did nothing at all to embarrass her. “Room number?” he asked, blandly.

“Room number?” Beth parroted back to him like an idiot. She flushed an even deeper shade of red and her mind drew a blank. Did she have a room number? Was he propositioning her since he’d caught her ogling his very fine ass?

Closing her eyes against the distracting sight and shaking her head, she took a deep breath to regain her composure and tried again. Her face flamed and she probably resembled a beetroot when she finally realized he just wanted to log her drink into the system.

“Sorry, the penthouse,” she finally uttered, feeling like a complete idiot. But the bartender just gave her a conspiratorial wink, which put her back at ease and turned to finish what he was doing.

Beth slipped away, deciding she’d embarrassed herself enough with one person for the time being, and casually sipped at her drink as she wandered around the dungeon.

Somebody had been busy!

Considering she’d been here until pretty late yesterday evening, a team must have worked through the night to adorn the vast space with Valentine’s decorations.

Everywhere she looked there were shiny red and pink hearts of all sizes, hung from every conceivable space. The lighting had been changed so there was a pretty pink glow. And garlands of red silk roses were entwined around every piece of furniture from chain stations, to spanking benches, to the Saint Andrew's Cross, but only where they wouldn’t interfere with the scenes.

Real roses in bunches of a dozen, interspersed with frothy baby’s breath, sat in cut glass vases on the tables which were scattered throughout the dungeon, and in each of the glass fronted theme rooms. And clouds of red and pink helium balloons floated high in the air, anchored on long strings by heart shaped weights.

The whole Valentine theme had transformed the club, giving it a totally different vibe from her previous visit.

Beth paused at the main stage where some kind of game had been set up. A huge heart shaped board listed various kinks and below it was a large dish containing two massive furry dice with numbers on them rather than spots. She guessed couples must roll the dice then take pot-luck on what number they drew.

She also noticed cut glass bowls with what she initially thought was foil wrapped chocolate. But when she took one and opened it, she found a candy heart with ‘blowjob’ written on it. Another game, then. Beth grinned and popped it into her mouth, hoping she got a chance to try these out for real over the weekend, since Valentine’s was being stretched to two days for the purposes of this event.

She spent a pleasant hour looking around, enjoying the cheery Valentine ambience, and watching a few of the early scenes.

Her heart was touched by an elderly husband and wife - well, she assumed they were husband and wife, by the way they seemed so completely in tune with each other; like they’d refined their relationship over years of intimate knowledge. She watched them play. A relatively simple spanking scene… Except that it was the gray haired, cuddly looking lady, who must be at least seventy, who was spanking the bald, skinny-legged man, with a paddle, while he was strapped to a spanking bench, stark naked. His cock lengthened and bobbed with every sharp swat ensuring that his wife was going to be a very happy woman later on, and that he had absolutely no need for a little blue, diamond shaped pill.

The scene made Beth feel all mushy and sentimental. That was the kind of connection she was looking for. One that was strong and enduring. It didn’t matter that she had to wait for it, as long as she eventually found someone she clicked with who she could grow old together with. Someone who would spank her when she was a brat and cuddle her when she was down. And if she could find someone before all her eggs shriveled up and died, then all the better. But she’d take communion in life, love, and kink, even if she had to go without the babies.

The couple finished their scene and Beth was moved as the lady soothed and stroked her gentleman, bringing him down with an obvious combination of love and lust before she helped him up and they made their way towards one of the private rooms to finish out the night. They’d probably be in bed before nine pm, but they were still living their best life, and while they might be old, Beth was envious of what they shared.

Still, when she made her way back to the bar to meet up with her poly partners for the evening, she was feeling pleasantly at ease and ready for what lay ahead. Or so she thought.
