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Beth woke up late. The sun was already blazing through the light gauze nets that decorated her window and they billowed gently in the warm, scented breeze that blew off the ocean.

She uncurled her limbs and extended her arms over her head after what must surely have been the best night’s sleep of her life.

As she stretched her body hummed. There were some residual aches of a body well used, but they were only light. And also, rather comforting. They highlighted the complete joy of having her dreams fulfilled during an evening that was even better than she had imagined it would be.

And her imagination had been pretty damn thorough.

But nothing could compare to the reality.

The only thing that would have made it better was if Mitch, Jed, and Sawyer had stayed the night with her.

They had escorted her to her suite when the club closed, and they were all forced to leave the cozy nest they’d been snuggled in. Then they’d undressed her, got her ready for bed, and tucked her in before taking their leave. She’d asked them to stay, of course. Begged them, really, like she had no self-respect. And she’d been sad when they’d left, even though she knew it wasn’t reasonable.

Having them had made her greedy.

Experiencing the mind-blowing ways they had catapulted her body into euphoria had her hungry for more.

She wanted to do it all over again, but different.

She wanted to rotate them, so she knew each of them intimately in every way they had to give.

She wanted to experiment with different positions.

She wanted to know what it was like to blend the two most awesome experiences she’d ever had, her harem and kink. Together.

And she wanted to share this big bed with them, and have that final, ultimate knowledge of what it was like to sleep four in a bed.

She might hate it. She might find it too claustrophobic and too hot… and not the good kind of hot.

But she doubted it.

Beth sighed, because she knew she was being unreasonable. Both to the guys, but more importantly, to herself.

She’d lived out her fantasy. It wasn’t fair to move the goal posts at the end, when what she should really be doing was reveling in the experience, not yearning for more.

That was the ultimate expression of gluttony.

She should be content with what she’d had. And she was.

But let’s face it. Nobody in the whole history of the world ever got to taste one bite of the best cake in the universe and didn’t yearn for the rest of it.

Beth wanted to scoff the lot. Surely that wasn’t greedy; it was just the appreciation of a damn fine cake.

Surely, she was just being polite. Because if you didn’t want to finish the cake, that would imply it wasn’t any good.

Yep! Beth was just being a grateful guest who wanted to finish all the cake.

The Jed, Mitch, and Sawyer cake.

Well, that was how she justified herself, anyway.

She giggled to herself at the sheer silliness of her thoughts. The sound was foreign to her ears, proving it was far too long since she’d had anything to be this blissfully happy about. She was effervescent; like someone had stirred an extra dose of happy into her life and everything suddenly appeared more colorful. The sky was bluer. The leaves were greener. And the smells were sweeter.

She should be careful, she knew. Because when everything seemed so much more invigorating, there was always the danger that returning to the gray, humdrum life she’d left behind would hit her far more painfully.

The trouble was, right now everything was far too perfect for her to care.
