Page 112 of Oracle Witch

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I didn’t hear what he said to Headmaster Whisperfelt when I was out of hearing, but based on the angry shouts from the man and the cold, detached thoughts of Necos, I don’t think I want to know.

Ignorance is bliss.

Even if it makes me a coward.

* * *

“So, where do we go from here?” I ask, tucking my feet underneath me and wrapping my blanket around me more firmly. We’re all spread out in the living room, Ryes on the edge of my sofa, and Ciar sitting right beside me, as we prepare to discuss what we do next.

I adjust my position so I’m sitting even closer to him, and he finally takes the hint and draws me into his side. The others watch in transfixion as I get myself situated, and when Ryes makes some comment I didn’t truly manage to decipher, Eirik throws an icicle at him.

Eirik did.Tensions really are high right now, all of us frustrated with how Headmaster Whisperfelt has handled things.

“Okay, let’s not fight with each other,” Jazz says, crossing his legs at his ankles. He’s on the armchair furthest from me—likely another way to prove that he’s stronger than the bond tying us together—but that doesn’t stop me from focusing on him just as intently. “It’s bad enough I’ve got to sit here with all of you. I’m not getting in the middle of another fight.”

“You’re only saying that because you’d lose,” Mael taunts. He circles his finger in the air, fire flaming at the tip, as he winks at Jasper from across the room, where he’s sprawled out on one half of the other sofa.

“He’s saying it because you’re acting like children,” Necos replies, letting out a huff of frustrated breath. He walks around the room, eyeing everyone up as he paces. He stops in front of Eirik, the only other one of my guys standing. I see the tension Necos is carrying in his shoulders as he faces off with our other leader. “Etrix and Zohar will need to catch up once they’re back from their assignment, but the rest of you need to focus so we can plan.”

He shoots Eirik a dirty look that I can’t translate. I’ve noticed that they’re either very good friends or they’re the worst of enemies. It’s something that has confused me majorly, but since they don’t tend to verbalise any of their arguments, I try to leave it be.

Well, now I do. I have asked both of them separately, on numerous occasions, about what the problem is, but neither will give an answer.

I think, sometimes, the problems within my mating circle don’t need to involve me.

“She’s got a few options,” Eirik says, focusing his words at Necos and not me. It doesn’t upset me, not when I know he’ll listen when I do speak, but it’s something that only adds to their intriguing dynamic.

They’re the leaders, but I don’t know if they’re fighting to make it a singular title.


“Go on.”

“She can either come to the castle, or… or we move to live with you,” Eirik says, scrunching his nose up when he offers the second option.

“You said a few choices,” Jasper points out, looking between them both sceptically.

“Well the third is that she remains here, but none of us want to do that,” Necos says, and Eirik nods.

“I cannot go to the castle,” I say quietly, but firmly. Several heads whip my way in surprise, but Eirik just nods in resignation.

“Why not?” Mael asks, his pale amber eyes narrowing.

“Because it’s bad there,” I say, shivering as I think back to the feeling of the castle’s wards. “The wards feel wrong… I can’t be caged in a place that makes me feel as…”

I trail off, not able to think of the right word to explain it.

“Slimy?” Ryes asks, and I nod enthusiastically. That’s exactly right. “I feel you. I’ve never enjoyed being there, but I’m nowhere near as attuned to energies as you are.”

“Me neither,” Necos says.That’s more my sister.

His thoughts sound bitter when thinking about her, so I don’t ask what he means. Ryes winks my way, having heard me acknowledge that, but the others don’t comment at all.

They’ve all got access to my thoughts, but the others catch only fleeting thoughts now, ones that slip through the natural block my magicae has put in place, unless they’re focusing on listening.

Ryes seems to catch a lot more.

“But still not everything,”he says silently, and I catch the pout on his face.So precious.
