Page 5 of Oracle Witch

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“He is not, and it’s cruel to say that when he can’t defend himself.” I put his mushroom and pepper omelette in front of him, just as Eirik plates my cheese and pepper one up.

“Thank you,” I murmur, and Eirik smiles. He puts a mug of tea on the counter before going back over to the oven to do his omelette.

“Ugh. I’ll just think about it instead then,” Ryes says with a cheeky smirk.“Etrix is a fucking—”

“I can hear you, especially when you’re directing it to me,” I say, causing him to laugh. He uses his magicae to bring the salt up to him. He coats his food, and winks at me. “I’m so impressed with how easily you can use your magicae.”

And it’s true. Even just for mundane things, he’s got such good control over his powers. He’s amazing, and impressive.

Even if I’m just the tiniest bit jealous.

“I can do it, too,” Eirik mutters, for once engaging in the petty squabbles.

“Fucking suck up,” Ryes says. “So, what are you doing with Bardo? You like his lectures, right?”

“Yeah,” I say, nodding. “We’re moving on to mythical creatures today, actually.”

I hear Zohar shouting, and then the door slams. Mael comes into the room a few moments later with a giant grin on his face.

“He needs to stop hogging your bed if he can’t handle his precious sleep being interrupted,” Mael says, pressing a kiss to my head as he walks past.

I catch sight of his jeans, noting they’re a dark blue compared to his usual black. He’s wearing a white shirt, and I’m more surprised that he’s not wearing his uniform than I am of the change in attire.

His chocolate-coloured hair is perfectly styled, and his pearly white teeth beam at me as he goes to sit by Ryes. I watch in amusement as Ryes hands Mael his mug of tea, and Mael nods his head in thanks.

Despite the chaotic entrance, Mael has just been drawn into our little orbit without any disturbance.

It’s something that still takes me by surprise. They’re all so… cohesive.

“Fucker is lucky my fire doesn’t burn him,” Mael adds.

“You burnt the fucking blankets, though,” Zohar snaps before appearing in the room with a blanket wrapped around his toned waist, like one would a towel after showering. He holds up some singed tatters, and I cringe when I note it’s his pyjama shorts.I wonder what happened to his shirt since he’s not wearing it…“You could’ve hurt me.”

“If I wanted to hurt you,aqua vermis, then I wouldn’t have needed to use my fire,” Mael taunts, and I can feel his fire building up within him, the echo of magicae he gifted with me pulsing in response.

It’s like I can smell it—a burning hot campfire in the middle of summer—and even taste it as it hovers in the air, waiting to be called upon.

Zohar sleepily rubs his eyes, and surprisingly doesn’t argue back. He drops into the seat next to me, and I offer him a forkful of my food which he appreciatively takes.

“Thanks, dragonfly. At least someone here loves me.”

“She might be the only person in the universe who does,” Ryes teases. “Least I’ve got Tien as a back-up.”

“You’re such a little shit,” Zohar snaps.

“Stop picking on Zohar,” I say, causing Mael and Ryes to groan, and Zohar to grin. “Do we have any spare duvets?”

“Mael can get that sorted for you,” Eirik says, and Mael groans but nods.

“Sorry for burningyourshit, Ellie baby.”

I wave it off, before quickly changing the subject. Zohar was not impressed with the emphasis, and I would love to not fight today.

“So, are you coming with me to my History class?” I ask, grinning at Mael. He groans again before nodding. “You know you love it really.”

“I love the time with you, Ellie, but the class is shit.”

We finish breakfast, the usual joking and teasing continuing, before Mael and I head over to my History of Everything class with Bardo.
